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5th Annual Bioengineering Research Partnership Grantee Meeting

August 15-16, 2005

Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center
Bethesda, Maryland


 Image of Fifth Annual Bioengineering Research Partnership Grantee Meeting Hosted by the
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Bioengineering Consortium (BECON)


The Fifth Bioengineering Research Partnership (BRP) Grantee Meeting was conducted by the NIH Bioengineering Consortium (BECON) on August 15-16, 2005, at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Convention Center in Bethesda, Maryland. The BRP Program is coordinated by the NIH Bioengineering Consortium (BECON) and was first announced in October 1999. The program is aimed at encouraging and supporting multi-disciplinary biomedical research that requires partnerships among scientific disciplines and organizations. This meeting showcased research supported by the BRP grants, provided a forum for grantees and NIH program staff to identify and discuss related issues, and facilitated the development of future research partnerships. A total of about 225 people attended this meeting and included about 160 BRP grantees and post-docs, BECON members, NIH program staff, and staff from other Federal agencies.

The program included an "NIH Update" session, invited talks on nanotechnology opportunities (Dr. Jeffery A. Schloss - NHGRI) and international bioengineering programs (Dr. Sohi Rastegar - NSF), poster presentation by all grantees, 24 ten-minute grantee presentations (categorized as basic, translational, and applied research) to showcase the broad scope of approaches and applications to biomedical research supported by the BRP program, and general discussion sessions. Drs. Henry Halperin (Johns Hopkins) and Jonathan Wolpaw (Wadsworth Research Center) presented featured talks on their BRP projects which have produced dramatic advances in biomedical research and health care. Drs. Richard Swaja (NIBIB) and Daniel Sullivan (NCI) chaired the meeting.

A featured luncheon presentation entitled: "I've Looked at Life From Both Sides Now - Bioengineering and Apologies to Judy Collins," was presented on August 15 by Dr. Wendy Baldwin, Executive Vice President of the University of Kentucky.

Details of the meeting, including the Agenda, BECON Coordinating Committee, List of Attendees, Welcome, BRP Project Abstracts, and slide presentations of the "NIH Update" and invited talks are available at the links below.

The BECON is administered by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering. The Chair of the BECON is Dr. Daniel Sullivan of the National Cancer Institute. Details about the Consortium are available on the BECON Web site at http://www.becon.nih.gov .


Last reviewed on: 11/14/2008

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