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PARKER: Cady crew steers for Cowboy Bar

Published January 16, 2009 at 12:05 a.m.

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Lew Cady, the lovable leader who trudges our troupe on our annual National Western Stock Show tour, said this year's look-see was in keeping with the lean economic times.

"Our visit was designed to conserve energy and save money," said Cady, who's also owner, publisher and grand poohbah of the Central City newspaper Little Kingdom Come. "To conserve energy, we didn't spend a lot of time walking around looking at the animals, displays or vendors. Nope. We just made made a beeline for the Cowboy Bar. There, we saved money by arriving in time for happy hour prices and filled up on free peanuts."

One of the group's cost-saving measures was to smuggle in food. "Tony Trampler added to the economical food fest by bringing in a pocket full of pistachios to share," Cady said. "I handed out chunks from the block of cheddar I had in my pocket."

Another way cowpoke Cady conserved money? "I saved $48,349 by not buying that John Deere tractor."

After the 22 members of Cady's crew toasted CBS newsman Andy Rooney's 90th birthday, they bet peanuts on what the equivalent of 90 years would be in cattle age. The answer, according to Cady, is 23.

Oddly, Cady reported several sightings of soon-to-be Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazarstrolling the stock show grounds - even though conflicting (and more reliable) reports said he was in Washington, D.C. Could they have been confusing all the cowboy-hat- topped heads for the outgoing U.S. senator?

"Wait! Is that Ken Salazar?"

"I think I just saw Ken Salazar!"

"After we'd enjoyed a few beers, he seemed to be everywhere," Cady confessed.

Along their trot to the Cowboy Bar, they did take time to stop at the Coors Art Show. "There we found it interesting that one is not allowed to bring one's Coors into the show," Cady said. "They do, however, provide a 49-place beer parking lot on a table right outside the entrance to artland."

During all the beery silliness, Bonnie Kibbe was moved to write a poem about the beloved Cowboy bar. Check it out on my blog: blogs.RockyMountain News.com/penny_parker_on _the_town/.

If you want to add your own ode to the historic stock show, please do.

OBAMA BASHES: If the Springs is your thing, in Colorado Springs, residents are invited to gather to celebrate the inauguration of President Barack Obama at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center.

* Senger's on the Fax, 3014 E. Colfax Ave., wants to help you ring in the new prez from with "Obama's In The House: An Inaugural Celebration of Our 44th President," featuring DJs and drink specials from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Tuesday.

BTW, KBNO-AM Spanish radio boss Zee Ferrufino scored tickets to Obama's inauguration ceremony, and also will attend the Latino Ball on Sunday, the Colorado Inaugural Ball Monday and the Western Ball on Jan. 20. Is he taking a date? "Of course," I'm told. Who's the lucky lady? "Zee is not revealing the name . . . all I know is that she is young, successful and very hot!" my source said. Way to go, guy!

THE SEEN: NBA All-Star Amare Stoudemire of the Phoenix Suns dining alone and watching the Lakers' 112-111 loss to San Antonio at ESPN Zone on Wednesday. The Nuggets hosted the Suns on Thursday.

NBA All-Star and Phoenix player Shaquille O'Neal spotted in the lobby of the Westin Tabor Center signing autographs for kids. Shaq also was seen working out at SportExcel Fitness Center in Englewood on Thursday. Erik Phillips, the strength and conditioning coach for the Suns, is part owner of the club.

EAVESDROPPING sent in by a reader: "I love a party. You can schmooze with people you never have to see again."

Penny Parker's column appears Tuesday through Saturday. Listen to her on the Caplis and Silverman radio show between 4 and 5 p.m. Fridays on KHOW-AM (630). Call her at 303-954-5224 or e-mail parkerp@RockyMountainNews.com.


  • January 16, 2009

    9:03 a.m.

    Suggest removal

    Marshdale writes:

    I used to bartend at the Denver Press Club. I can remember when Lew and the likes of Jack Kisling, Greg Lopez and many others would grace my bartop on random occassion for a libation and a poem or two. Lew is one hell of a character as were all those who graced the place back then. I miss Jack and Greg. What brilliant thinkers and writers those guys were. He and Lew had a sparsley organized crew of media rebels that would grace the club once or twice a year for a meeting of sorts only to be kicked of by Jack firing a blank I think out of a 44. It was always a suprise because you never new when Jack was going to do it. This was of course back in the day when you could still smoke in the Press Club and present your face nose first into an empty shot glass only to be woken up by a comrad a few moments later to have another. Those were the days!

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