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Food Storage

Find out how to freeze and store specific foods.
Crabs Storage and Selection
Whole raw crabs must be alive when purchased. Learn how to select and store crabmeat.
Scallop Selection and Storage
Scallops should not be white. Learn how to select, store, and cook scallops.
Clam Storage and Selection
Clams are highly perishable. Learn how to select and store clams.
Shrimp Storage and Selection
Your fresh shrimp is most likely thawed frozen shrimp. Learn how to select and store shrimp.
Oregano Storage
Oregano is easily dried or frozen. Learn how to store and select oregano for your recipes.
Olive Oil Storage and How to read olive oil labels
Olive oil labels can be confusing. Learn how to decipher olive oil labels and how to store your olive oil.
Chive Storage and Substitutions
How to select and store chives, plus how to freeze-dry your own and substitutions.
Rosemary Selection, Storage, and Cooking Tips
Rosemary flowers are edible. Learn how to select and store rosemary, plus cooking tips.
Cream Cheese Storage - Cooking with Cream Cheese
Commercial yogurt may be frozen. Learn how to properly store cream cheese.
Sage Storage and Selection
Freezing sage intensifies the flavor. Learn how to store and select sage for your recipes.
Pine Nut Storage and Selection
Pine nuts quickly turn rancid if not stored properly Learn how to store pine nuts.
Basil Selection, Storage, and Varieties
There are more than 60 varieties of basil, including purple. Find out how to select and storage basil.
Peppercorn and Pepper Storage and Selection
Large cans of ground pepper may be a waste of money. Learn how to select and store pepper and peppercorns.
Pistachio Storage and Selection
Unopened pistachio shells means they are immature. Learn how to store and select pistachio nuts.
Yogurt Storage
Commercial yogurt may be frozen. Learn how to properly store yogurt.
Thyme Selection and Storage
Thyme is easily grown and dried at home. Learn how to select and store the common kitchen herb, thyme.
Chestnut Selection and Storage
Chestnuts come in many forms. Learn how to properly select and store chestnuts.
Almond Selection and Storage
Almond Selection and Storage Information. How to store and select almonds.
Balsamic Vinegar Selection and Storage
Balsamic vinegar can be stored indefinitely. Learn how to store and select balsamic vinegar.
Buttermilk Storage
Can buttermilk be frozen? Learn about buttermilk powder and how to store fresh buttermilk.
Canned Milk - Evaporated and Sweetened Condensed Milk Selection and Storage Information
Canned Milk History - Evaporated and Sweetened Condensed Milk Selection and Storage Information
Cinnamon and Cassia Selection and Storage
How to differentiate cinnamon quills from cassia. Selection and storage of cinnamon and cassia.
Coffee Storage and Cooking Tips
Don't waste your investment in good coffee by improper storage. Learn how to store and cook with coffee.
Dill Storage - Dill Weed and Dill Seeds
Dill weed may be frozen. Learn how to properly store dill weed and dill seeds.
Edible Flowers Selection and Storage
Edible Flowers Selection and Storage Information. How to store and select edible flowers.
Fruitcake Storage
Liquor helps preserve fruitcakes. Learn how to store your fruitcake.
Ginger Selection and Storage
Fresh ginger may be frozen. Learn how to properly store fresh ginger.
Gravy Storage
Can gravy be frozen? Find out the answer.
Honey Storage
Honey Storage Information. How to store honey.
Macadamia Nuts Selection and Storage
Macadamia Nuts Selection and Storage Information. How to store and select macadamia nuts.
Mustard Selection and Storage
Mustard Selection and Storage Information. How to store and select mustard seeds and mustard.
Peanut Butter Selection and Storage
Learn how to store peanut butter and how long it will last.
Pecan Selection and Storage
Pecans have a high oil content and must be stored properly to avoid rancidity. Learn how to select and store pecans.
Saffron Storage and Forms
Proper storage is essential for expensive saffron. Saffron threads may be re-used. Find out how.
Sesame Seed Selection and Storage
Sesame Seed Selection and Storage Information. How to store and select sesame seeds and oil.
Spice Mix Storage and Cooking Tips
Light moisture and heat are enemies of herbs and spices. Learn how to store and cook with spice mixes.
Stuffing and Dressing Leftovers Storage
Find out the proper way to store and reheat stuffing and dressing leftovers.

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