Title 17--Commodity and Securities Exchanges



TEXT PDF4.1 Requirements as to form.
TEXT PDF4.5 Exclusion for certain otherwise regulated persons from the definition of the term ``commodity pool operator.''
TEXT PDF4.6 Exclusion for certain otherwise regulated persons from the definition of the term ``commodity trading advisor.''
TEXT PDF4.7 Exemption from certain part 4 requirements for commodity pool operators with respect to offerings to qualified eligible persons and for commodity trading advisors with respect to advising qualified eligible persons.
TEXT PDF4.8 Exemption from certain requirements of rule 4.26 with respect to pools offered or sold in certain offerings exempt from registration under the Securities Act.
TEXT PDF4.10 Definitions.
TEXT PDF4.11 Exemption from section 4n(3)(B).
TEXT PDF4.12 Exemption from provisions of part 4.
TEXT PDF4.13 Exemption from registration as a commodity pool operator.
TEXT PDF4.14 Exemption from registration as a commodity trading advisor.
TEXT PDF4.15 Continued applicability of antifraud section.
TEXT PDF4.16 Prohibited representations.
TEXT PDF4.20 Prohibited activities.
TEXT PDF4.21 Required delivery of pool Disclosure Document.
TEXT PDF4.22 Reporting to pool participants.
TEXT PDF4.23 Recordkeeping.
TEXT PDF4.24 General disclosures required.
TEXT PDF4.25 Performance disclosures.
TEXT PDF4.26 Use, amendment and filing of Disclosure Document.
TEXT PDF4.30 Prohibited activities.
TEXT PDF4.31 Required delivery of Disclosure Document to prospective clients.
TEXT PDF4.32 Trading on a Registered Derivatives Transaction Execution Facility for Non-Institutional Customers.
TEXT PDF4.33 Recordkeeping.
TEXT PDF4.34 General disclosures required.
TEXT PDF4.35 Performance disclosures.
TEXT PDF4.36 Use, amendment and filing of Disclosure Document.
TEXT PDF4.41 Advertising by commodity pool operators, commodity trading advisors, and the principals thereof.
