Food and Drug Administration

Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee

December 4, 2003


Adviancing the Science of Proprietary Drug Name Review, Dr. Paul Seligman, MD (HTM) (PPT)

Proprietary Name Evaluation at FDA, Jerry Phillips, RPh, FDA (HTM) (PPT)

Automatic String Matching for Reduction of Drug Name Confusion, Bonnie Door, University of MD (HTM) (PPT)

Evanuating Drug Name Confusion Using Expert Panels, Dr. R Shangraw, Jrl, PhD, Project Performance Corp. (HTM) (PPT)

Focus Group Methodology, Dr. Miriam Kimel, PhD, MEDTAP Int'l, Inc. (HTM) (PPT)

Use of Laboratory and Other Simulations in Assessing Drug Name Confusion, Tony Grasha (dec), U. of Cincinnati and Kraig Schell, Angelo St. University (HTM) (PPT)

Quantitative Evaluation of Drug Name Safety Using Close-to-Reality Simulated Pharmacy Practice, Dr. Sean Hennessy, PharmD, PhD, U. of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (HTM) (PPT)

Questions (HTM) (PPT)

Open Public Hearing

Avoiding Medication Errors in Brnad Name Selection, Dr. Patricia Staub, RPh, JD, Brand Institute, Inc. (HTM) (PPT)

Sound-alike, Look-alike Drug Names An OTC Perspective, Dr. Douglas Bierer, PhD, Consumer Healthcare Products Assoc. (HTM) (PPT)