Center for Drug Evaluation and Research




March 4, 2003


Marriott Washingtonian Center, Grand Ballroom, 9751 Washingtonian Blvd., Gaithersburg, MD


NDA 21-158, Factive® (gemifloxacin) Tablets, Parexel International, U.S. Agent for LG LifeSciences, Ltd., proposed for the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia and acute bacterial exacerbation of chronic bronchitis



8:00 a.m.           Call to Order                                                                 James E.  Leggett, Jr., M.D.

Acting Chair, AIDAC

                        Introduction of Committee


            Conflict of Interest Statement                                         Tara P. Turner, Pharm.D.

                                                                                                            Executive Secretary, AIDAC


8:10 a.m.           Opening Remarks                                                      Renata Albrecht, M.D.                                                                                                                          Director

                                                                                                            Division of Special Pathogen and

Immunologic Drug Products, FDA


8:20 a.m.           Adverse Cutaneous Drug Reactions                                     Michael Bigby, M.D.

                                                                                                            Assistant Professor of Dermatology

                                                                                                            Harvard Medical School


8:50 a.m.           Antimicrobial Resistance in                                       John H. Powers, M.D.

                        Streptococcus pneumoniae                                          Lead Medical Officer for

                                                Antimicrobial Drug Development

                                                                                                            Office of Drug Evaluation IV, FDA

9:20 a.m.           Break 


9:30 a.m.           Sponsor Presentation                                                 Parexel International,

US Agent for LG Life Sciences Ltd.


                        Introduction                                                                   Gary Patou, M.D.

                                                                                                            President, GeneSoft Pharmaceuticals


                        Unmet Medical Need                                                    Donald E. Low, M.D.

                                                                                                            Professor, Microbiology and Medicine

                                                                                                            University of Toronto


                        Efficacy                                                                        Lionel A. Mandell, M.D.

                                                                                                            Professor of Medicine

                                                                                                            Chief of Infectious Diseases

                                                                                                            McMaster University






Safety                                                                           Gary Patou, M.D.


                                                                                                            Neil H. Shear, M.D.

                                                                                                            Professor and Chief of Dermatology

                                                                                                            University of Toronto


                        Benefit/Risk and Risk Management                                Gary Patou, M.D.                                                                     

11:00 a.m.         Questions and Answers


11:10 a.m.         Break


11:20 a.m.         FDA Presentation                                          


Microbiology                                                                 Peter Dionne


                                                                                                            Division of Special Pathogen and

                                                                                                            Immunologic Drug Products, FDA


Community-Acquired Pneumonia                                   Regina Alivisatos, MD.

                                                                                                            Medical Officer

                                                                                                            Division of Special Pathogen and

                                                                                                            Immunologic Drug Products, FDA


                        Acute Bacterial Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis        Eileen Navarro, M.D.

                                                                                                            Medical Officer

                                                                                                            Division of Special Pathogen and

                                                                                                            Immunologic Drug Products, FDA


                        Safety                                                                           Maureen Tierney, M.D., M.Sc.

                                                                                                            Medical Officer

                                                                                                            Division of Special Pathogen and                                                                                                                        Immunologic Drug Products, FDA


12:30 p.m.         Questions and Answers


12:40 p.m.         Lunch                          


1:40 p.m.           Open Public Hearing



2:00 p.m.           Charge to the Committee                                               Mark Goldberger, M.D., M.P.H.


                                                                                                            Office of Drug Evaluation IV, FDA


2:10 p.m.           Committee Discussion


3:20 p.m.           Break


3:30 p.m.           Continued Discussion and Vote


5:00 p.m.           Adjourn