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Bill Johnson


Bill Johnson gained most of his journalistic experience on the West Coast as a staff writer, reporter, editor and columnist. He has also been a faculty member of the University of Arizona's Editing Program for Minority Journalists within the Institute for Journalism Education. Johnson won the National Headliner Award's First Place for Columns in 1995 and was a Pulitzer Prize finalist for commentary in 1993.

Recent stories

JOHNSON: Tiny academy provides big returns

January 16, 2009

I am going to tell this story on Raylene Wayoe but only because she ought to know how her own story can turn out.

JOHNSON: No room at the inn for inaugural

January 14, 2009

I do not know if I can get there from here. The there, in this case, is Barack Obama's inauguration on Tuesday in Washington, D.C. The problem is I am cash-strapped. And c'mon, it's not like I'm exactly working for Google here. But I want to go and the bosses are giving me the time. So where to start?

JOHNSON: Ode to a little-known jazz lover

January 9, 2009

I am a sucker for a weeping woman. I am a sucker for a weeping woman. I get calls from them often in this job. Men, they never call and cry. With women, it is usually over something horrible - a child, their mother or father, a close friend or a pet's dying, or nearly so. I always listen.

JOHNSON: Recession-resistant retail: guns

January 9, 2009

The line to buy a gun on this morning was long, if you take into account the time, the date and location, which was a Wheat Ridge shop barely larger than my living room.

JOHNSON: For House speaker, job a way to help

January 7, 2009

Come to think of it now, no one sitting in the new House speaker's office - all three of them black - even muttered the name of Peter Groff, the Senate's president.

JOHNSON: 'Twas the day before Christmas

December 24, 2008

There is nothing more beautiful or more life-affirming, if you ask me, than a fully decorated Christmas tree with presents set beneath it.

JOHNSON: Anger, sadness what's left of Holly Square

December 20, 2008

It seems such a stupid reason to burn down anything. This is, at least, what the old men say.

JOHNSON: City embraces a family in need

December 19, 2008

a good one - something I think we all could really use right about now.

JOHNSON: Centennial's folly against coyotes

December 17, 2008

I should just go ahead and save Centennial a bit of money and a lot of future headache: Leave the coyotes alone.

JOHNSON: Activist sees legal system from jury box

December 13, 2008

It was time to chat with a juror. Past due time, actually, since I believe that outside of the judges overseeing these convention-protest trials, no one's time has been more wasted.

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