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Direct-to-Consumer Advertising 
of Prescription Drugs:
Physician Survey
Preliminary Results


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Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs: Physician Survey Preliminary Results

FDA Physician Survey

2002 Physician Survey: Methodology

Patient-Initiated Questions about Treatments

How frequently do patients initiate questions about...

Frequency of Questions Over Last Five Years

Impact of DTC Advertising on Patient Interaction

Now think about the most recent interaction you’ve had with a patient who initiated a discussion about a prescription drug and told you he or she saw it advertised.

How representative was this patient encounter?

Beneficial Effects

What beneficial effects did it have?


What problems did it cause?

Patient Rx Inquiries, Requests, and Perceived Pressure to Prescribe

Brand Rx Inquiries and Patient Condition

Brand Rx Inquiries and Patient Condition

Rx Requests and Prescribing Behavior

Brand Rx Requests and Prescribing Behavior

Reasons for not prescribing

Patient Influence on Interaction

Perceived Patient Influence

Perceived Pressure to Prescribe

Rx Requests and Perceived Pressure to Prescribe

Rx Requests and Perceived Pressure to Prescribe

Rx Requests and Perceived Pressure to Prescribe, con’t.

Brand Rx Requests and Perceived Pressure to Prescribe

Brand Rx Requests and Perceived Pressure to Prescribe

Brand Rx Requests and Perceived Pressure to Prescribe, con’t.

Branded Rx Requests and Perceived Pressure to Prescribe

Unbranded Rx Requests and Perceived Pressure to Prescribe

Attitudes About Impact of DTCA on Patient Interaction

Because this patient saw the advertisement...

Attitudes About Impact of DTCA on Patient Understanding

What patients understand about advertised drugs...

Attitudes About Potential Negative Effects of DTCA on Patients and Practice

Problems DTCA Creates for My Patients and Practice...

Attitudes About Potential Positive Effects of DTCA on Patients and Practice

Benefits DTCA Creates for My Patients and Practice...

Overall Impact of DTCA on Patients and Practice

Kathryn J. Aikin, Ph.D.

Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising, and Communications

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research

U.S. Food and Drug Administration


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FDA/Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Last Updated: January 13, 2003
Originator: OTCOM/DLIS