Purdue University Mark

Purdue University

Continuing Education

Email address

Professional Opportunities

Gifted Education Resource Institute

Continuing Education works with GERI to offer a variety of graduate level credit courses for teachers, around the state, and via distance education. For additional information, please contact www.geri.education.purdue.edu/

Career and Technical Education

Continuing Education works with the College of Education in the area of Career and Technical Education offering courses for the Leadership Development Program. For additional information, please contact Professor Jim Greenan at jgreenan@purdue.edu or 765.494.7314 or www.edci.purdue.edu/ewac/awacvoctech.html

College of Education


Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA, (765) 494-4600
© 2008 Purdue University. An equal access/equal opportunity university.