Purdue University
Study Abroad
My Study Abroad
Outgoing Student Resources

A successful study abroad experience begins at home.  This means obtaining as much information as you can whether you are still considering if study abroad is right for you, or are already beginning your preparations for going abroad.  This section contains a wealth of information that will help make your time overseas the experience of a lifetime!

Frequently Asked Questions:  Students who are still deciding if they should study abroad often have similar concerns.  Is study abroad affordable?  Where can I go?  When can I go?  What if I don't speak another language?  Get the answers to these questions and more in this section.

Study Abroad Advising:  If you want more information about studying abroad, programs appropriate for your major, or would like to discuss specific programs in more detail, see a Study Abroad advisor today!  Click on this section for instructions.

Liaisons:  Students get direct Purdue credits for courses taken overseas.  This means that you need to have your courses pre-approved by the appropriate study abroad liaison(s) before you leave.  The liaisons will designate the Purdue equivalents of the courses you wish to take, or recommend which overseas courses will fulfill your Purdue requirements.  This section lists the names of the study abroad liaisons responsible for specific academic areas.

Students with Disabilities:  A disability should not stop you from studying abroad!  This section contains information on what steps you can do if you will need special accommodations.

Helpful Travel Links:  The internet has been a godsend to travelers everywhere.  With the click of a button, you can easily access a website for foreign currency conversion, discounted airfare, visa requirements, safety tips, host country information, and others.  We have compiled these useful links for you.

Newspaper Articles:  These articles reflect what students who return from a semester, year, or summer overseas tell us time and again:  that studying abroad was one of the best things they've ever done!  Read all about it!

Newsletter:  The Newsletter contains articles that highlight programs and locations, and provide travel tips and other useful information.  The Newsletter include articles written by students who have previously studied abroad.

Contact Returned Students:  Purdue students who have already studied abroad are excellent resources!  They can tell you what it's like to live and study in the country where you're interested in going, the cultural practices they had to adopt, the social and emotional challenges they faced, and other topics.  Don't be shy, returned students like nothing better than to regale a captive audience with their adventures overseas!

Student Organizations:  These student organizations keep the study abroad experience alive.  Whether you are a prospective study abroad participant or a returned student, we urge you to get in touch with or join these organizations!

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