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This web site provides general information about the University of Hawaii at Hilo, its programs and services, and summarizes those major policies and procedures as they relate to students. Web site content does not always reflect the most recent campus actions involving core courses, policies and/or programs. For the most recent information concerning said content, students should check with their advisors and the Student Transfer Handbook, which is published twice per year, during the months of October and March. Copies of the Handbook are available at counseling, academic advising and the library.

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The University reserves the right to change or delete, supplement or otherwise amend at any time the information, requirements and policies contained on this web site (www.uhh.hawaii.edu) and related hereto.

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UH Hilo Gallery

Terms of Use

The following terms and conditions apply to any full resolution image files, screen resolution images or thumbnails downloaded or copied from the UH Hilo Gallery.

University of Hawaii at Hilo retains all ownership and copyright privileges connected to the image(s).

Anyone who downloads or copies images from the UH Hilo Gallery are obtaining only a license to use the image(s) as further described below.

  1. Photos from the UH Hilo Gallery cannot be sold or used for profit.
  2. They are not to be distributed or used for advertising or purposes of trade unless in connection with University of Hawaii at Hilo.
  3. University of Hawaii at Hilo does not convey model releases. If necessary, it is the responsibility of the user to obtain release prior to usage.
  4. Photos from the UH Hilo Gallery should carry the following credit: University of Hawaii at Hilo.


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