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Group Visits

We enjoy having student groups visit campus and encourage these visits. Below are some guidelines for making your group's visit a positive and successful experience. We'll do our best to accommodate your group on the day you've requested.

Scheduling a Group Tour

  • Group visits for high school students are available from early September through June on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. (Some specific dates may be unavailable when other on-campus programs are scheduled.)
  • Schedule your visit at least four weeks in advance.
  • Group sizes should be seven or more students and should include adequate adult supervision. We recommend one chaperone for every 10 students.
  • We'll send you a confirmation letter when your agenda is finalized.

Preparation for a Purdue Visit

  • Make sure that all of your students have permission to be out of class and are committed to the visit. Confirm the number in your group with Purdue three working days before visiting, and let us know by then if there is a change in the number attending.
  • Prepare questions for Purdue staff members and students.
  • Your group will walk at least a mile during the visit. All should have proper footwear and be prepared for inclement weather.
  • Make sure your bus driver (or chaperone) has directions to Purdue. They also should know where to drop off your group, where to park, and where to pick you up when the visit is over. (We'll enclose a campus map with your confirmation letter.)

On the Day of Your Visit

  • Leave early, allowing enough time for possible delays.
  • Arrive on time; our staff members have other responsibilities and our tour guides have classes to attend. Please call if you're going to be late.
  • Be polite and considerate to your tour guide(s).
  • Ask any questions you may have.
  • Enjoy your visit!


After the Visit

  • Contact us with suggestions about how we can improve your next visit.
  • Discuss the visit with those who attended.

We want your visit to be a good one, so please contact the appropriate office if you have any questions.

High School Group Visit
Office of Admissions  
Jerry Ripke  
(765) 494-9361

Office of Admissions, 475 Stadium Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907-2050
(765) 494-1776, TTY: (765) 496-1373,
© 2008 Purdue University. An equal access/equal opportunity university.