Online Pledge Assistant

e-Search by Keyword

Keyword Search Tips Enter a word or multiple words in the search box above, then click the Go! button.
The system will search charity names, descriptions, website addresses
and organizational HQ cities for matches.
You can also include numbers to lookup charities by ZIP code or CFC code.
Keyword Search Tip:   Enclose multiple words in "quotes" to match only that exact phrase.
For example, entering animal welfare matches the words animal OR welfare (or both),
while "animal welfare" matches only the exact phrase animal welfare.
      Keyword Search Tips

Enter a word or multiple words in the search box above, then click the Go! button. The system will search charity names, descriptions, website addresses and organizational HQ cities for matches. You can also include numbers to lookup charities by ZIP code or CFC code.

Keyword Search Tip:   Enclose multiple words in "quotes" to match only that exact phrase. For example, entering animal welfare matches the words animal OR welfare (or both), while "animal welfare" matches only the exact phrase animal welfare.

e-Search by Program Area

Tip: Hold down the Ctrl key to select more than one program area.

Browse the Catalog Alphabetically or by Federation


Skip Charity Search

You can skip this step if you just want to make an Undesignated gift.