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Quail Unlimited® is a non-profit conservation organization dedicated to the wise use and management of America's wild quail, doves, upland game birds and other forms of wildlife.

Quail Unlimited Press Releases
The Covey Headquarters Newsletter
The Covey Headquarters Newsletter is aimed at cooperators and sportspeople in the state of Missouri to provide information on restoring quail. Many recommendations often apply to other regions of the country. The newsletter is a joint effort of the Missouri Department of Conservation, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, University of Missouri Extension and Quail Unlimited. If you have suggestions for future articles please contact jeff.powelson@mdc.mo.gov or 816-232-6555 x122 or write to the address shown.

THE COVEY HEADQUARTERS Volume 7 Issue 4 Winter 2008
St. Joseph, MO (December 17, 2008)—When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Wildlife Habitat - Grand River Grassland Prairie-Chicken Monitoring Update - 2008 Upland Game Bird Hunting Prospects
THE COVEY HEADQUARTERS Volume 7 Issue 3 Fall 2008
St. Joseph, MO (October 09, 2008)—Predators - Field Border Success in Southeast Missouri - Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest - Quail Focus Areas – Targeting private land habitat work - Census the Quail on your Property this fall
THE COVEY HEADQUARTERS Volume 7 Issue 2 Summer 2008
St. Joseph, MO (June 19, 2008)—Missouri County Scores First “Mission Accomplished” for Bobwhite Restoration - Timing is Everything - My Grandfather’s Farm - Missouri’s Quail Emphasis Areas - Signup for SAFE
THE COVEY HEADQUARTERS Volume 7 Issue 1 Spring 2008
St. Joseph, MO (February 21, 2008)—Hunters Seeing Positive Impact of Conservation Security Program - - Free Private Land Care DVD Now Available - Good News - Food Plots allowed on CP2 - CP33 Provides Habitat for Quail and Protects Soil and Water Resources -
THE COVEY HEADQUARTERS Volume 6 Issue 4 Winter 2007
St. Joseph, MO (December 18, 2007)—What Ever Happened To All the Timber Birds? - Helpful Habitat Hints for Establishing Native Shrubs - What can production farmers do for quail? - Economic Analysis of Wildlife Habitat Buffers in CP33 - Upland Game Bird Hunting Prospects
THE COVEY HEADQUARTERS Volume 6 Issue 3 Fall 2007
St. Joseph, MO (October 19, 2007)—Plants You Should Know: Partridge Pea and other native legumes - Mid-Contract Management Practices for CRP Acreage - CRP landowner “Bare Ground Management - Make your farm quail friendly year-round Diversifying Native Grass Stands Using Fall Burning
THE COVEY HEADQUARTERS Volume 6 Issue 2 Summer 2007
St. Joseph, MO (May 29, 2007)—Good Things Happening for Quail • Direct Seeding Shrubs • Quail Reproduction • Make Your Fescue Pasture More Attractive to Cattle and Wildlife • Strip Spraying Native Grasses • CRP News
THE COVEY HEADQUARTERS Volume 6 Issue 1 Spring 2007
St. Joseph, MO (February 26, 2007)—Ice, Snow, and Quail – Oh My!, Build it and they will come, Improve Quail Habitat – Food Plots, Food Plot Seeding Rates, Brood habitat and bare ground, ‘Bobwhite’ Trailing Soybean, Fescue, CP29 Wildlife Habitat Buffers on Marginal Pastureland
THE COVEY HEADQUARTERS Volume 5 Issue 4 Winter 2006
St. Joseph, MO (December 21, 2006)—The Best Nesting Grass for Quail, Not Much at All-More Watersheds Eligible for Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program-Think Big Picture Before Food Plots-Snowstorms and Shrubby Cover-Why is burning (at the proper time) important for quail
THE COVEY HEADQUARTERS Volume 5 Issue 3 Fall 2006
St. Joseph, MO (October 02, 2006)—Review of Missouri's Quail Hunting Season Dates - Quail Need Shrubs, Edge Feathering Promising for Bobwhites - CP33 Acres in Missouri Tops 18,000 - CRP Mid-Contract Management, “COVEY CARD” Tracks Bobwhite Quail Number - Cool-Season Grass Control
THE COVEY HEADQUARTERS Volume 5 Issue 2 Summer 2006
St. Joseph, MO (June 01, 2006)—Upland Wildlife Habitat Buffers (CP 33) Update - Missouri Quail Enthusiast’s Get National Recognition - Plants You Should Know: Birds Foot Trefoil – Another Invasive Non-native Plant - CP33 enrollment in Missouri tops 12,000 acres
THE COVEY HEADQUARTERS Volume 5 Issue 1 Spring 2006
St. Joseph, MO (March 01, 2006)—Missouri Quail Conservationists Score a Threepeat - 2006 Missouri Master Wildlifer Program Wildlife Conservation on Private Lands A Shortcourse for Private Landowners and Wildlife Enthusiasts - CPI Grant Update - Quail’s Eye View
THE COVEY HEADQUARTERS Volume 4 Issue 4 Winter 2005
St. Joseph, MO (December 01, 2005)—Conservation Security Program Watersheds Announced - Light Disking for Wildlife - Improve Your Quail Escape Cover This Winter - How Many Shrubs Do I Need - Nit Picking Your Property to Improve Quail Habitat: Shrubby Cover - New Landowner Cooperative
THE COVEY HEADQUARTERS Volume 4 Issue 3 Fall 2005
St. Joseph, MO (September 01, 2005)—CHOP and DROP for Speedy Quail Restoration - Plants You Should Know: Broomsedge Bluestem – A good grass for wildlife - Can Habitat Really Make a Difference? - Are Your Field Edges Losing You Money? - Fall Brome and Fescue Kill - Prescribed Fire
THE COVEY HEADQUARTERS Volume 4 Issue 2 Summer 2005
St. Joseph, MO (June 01, 2005)—Habitat Improvement - Native Perennial Food - Build it and they will come FIELD OF DREAMS - EQIP PROVES TO BE POSITIVE FOR QUAIL NUMBERS - Brood Habitat – An Overlooked Habitat Component? - Habitat Key for Bobwhites Tremendous Reproductive Potential
THE COVEY HEADQUARTERS Volume 3 Issue 3 Winter 2004
St. Joseph, MO (January 01, 2004)—Bobwhite Quail “Buffers” Pay to Farm - Attention CRP Landowners - Use Strip Herbicide Applications to encourage Early Successional Vegetation (ESV) - October Covey Call Counts - Declining Shrubby Grassland Birds - Bobwhite Quail Aging Guide

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