Schedule Delays and Cost Overruns Plague DOD Automated Information Systems

T-IMTEC-89-8 May 18, 1989
Full Report (PDF, 8 pages)  


GAO discussed eight Department of Defense (DOD) automated information systems being developed by the Army, Air Force, Navy, and Defense Logistics Agency. GAO found that: (1) all eight systems experienced significant cost growth; (2) the cost to develop and deploy the systems doubled to more than $2 billion; (3) the completion dates for all but one system were delayed 3 to 7 years and none of the systems were scheduled for full deployment until after 1990; (4) DOD revised the acquisition strategies for all but one system, and terminated development efforts for two systems after significant cost growth; (5) the cost estimates DOD reported to Congress in its budget submissions were not always accurate, current, or complete; (6) the Major Automated Information System Review Council (MAISRC) did not provide adequate oversight and technical review; (7) MAISRC had not reviewed three systems, even though they experienced cost growth or schedule delays that should have prompted a review; and (8) although DOD policies and directives for major automated information systems development provide a comprehensive management control and oversight process, DOD did not effectively implement it.