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Industry and Economic Analysis
          External Trade Resources

The links below are to external sites that provide information on a wide variety of trade-related topics, ranging from actual trade data to information from government and international organizations that focus on different aspects of international trade. The links below are provided as a convenience for the public.

The links do not constitute or imply USITC endorsement or approval. The USITC takes no responsibility for, and exercises no control over, the organizations, views, or accuracy of the information contained on any linked site. When you access one of these sites, you are leaving the USITC's website.


Monitoring of U.S. Imports of Peppers
Pub. 4049; November 2008

Monitoring of U.S. Imports of Tomatoes
Pub. 4048; November 2008

Probable Economic Effect of Certain Modifications to the United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement Rules of Origin
Pub. 4042; October 2008

Patenting Trends and Innovation in Industrial Biotechnology
Pub. 4039; October 2008

Andean Trade Preference Act: Impact on U.S. Industries and Consumers and on Drug Crop Eradication and Crop Substitution, 2007. Thirteenth Report
Pub. 4037; September 2008

Global Beef Trade: Effects of Animal Health, Sanitary, Food Safety, and Other Measures on U.S. Beef Exports
Pub. 4033; September 2008

Wood Flooring and Hardwood Plywood: Competitive Conditions Affecting the U.S. Industries
Pub. 4032; August 2008
Denim Fabric: Commercial Availability in AGOA Countries During Fiscal Year 2009
Pub. 4027; August 2008

The Year In Trade 2007: Operation of the Trade Agreements Program
59th Annual Report
Pub. 4026; July 2008
Industrial Biotechnology: Development and Adoption by the U.S. Chemical and Biofuel Industries 2008
Inv. No. 332-481
Pub. 4020; July 2008
Denim Fabric: Use in AGOA Countries During Fiscal Year 2007
Inv. No. AGOA-002
Pub. 4021; July 2008
Recent Trends in U.S. Services Trade, 2008 Annual Report
Inv. No. 332-345
Pub. 4015; June 2008
Certain Vegetables and Grape Juice: Probable Economic Effect of Accelerated Tariff Elimination for Certain Goods of Chile
Inv. Nos. 332-498 and Chile TA-103-020
Pub. 4017; June 2008
Textiles and Apparel: Effects of Special Rules for Haiti on Trade Markets and Industries
Inv. No. TR-5003-1
Pub. 4016; June 2008
Caribbean Region: Review of Economic Growth and Development
Inv. No. 332-496
Pub. 4000; May 2008
Sub-Saharan Africa: Factors Affecting Trade Patterns of Selected Industries -- Second Annual Report
Inv. No. 332-477
Pub. 3989; April 2008
Advice Concerning Possible Modifications to the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences, 2007 Review of Competitive Need Limit Waivers
Inv. No. 332-497
Pub. 3995; April 2008
Advice Concerning Possible Modifications to the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences, 2007 Review of Additions and Removals
Inv. No. 332-493
Pub. 3982; January 2008
China: Description of Selected Government Practices and Policies Affecting Decision Making in the Economy
Inv. No. 332-492
Pub. 3978; December 2007
Archive 2007
Archive 2006
Archive 2005
Archive 2004
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