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Largest Military Expenditures, 2006

(Military expenditure: in MER1 dollar terms)

Rank Country Spending
($ billions)
1. United States $528.7 $1,756 46%
2. United Kingdom 59.2 990 5
3. France 53.1 875 5
4. China 49.5 37 4
5. Japan 43.7 341 4
6. Germany 37.0 447 3
7. Russia 34.7 244 3
8. Italy 29.9 514 3
9. Saudi Arabia 2, 3 29.0 1,152 3
10. India 23.9 21 2
11. South Korea 21.9 455 2
12. Australia 3 13.8 676 1
13. Canada 3 13.5 414 1
14. Brazil 13.4 71 1
15. Spain 12.3 284 1
  Subtotal,  top 15 963.7 83
  World 1,158 177 100
1. Market Exchange Rate. 2. Data for Iran and Saudi Arabia include expenditure for public order and safety and might be slight overestimates.
3. The populations of Australia, Canada, and Saudi Arabia each constitute less than 0.5% of the total world population.
Source: SIPRI Yearbook 2007, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

Information Please® Database, © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

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