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Programs for Prospective Students

A Saturday with the Boilermakers
This Saturday morning on-campus program for high school students each September features an information fair, admissions sessions, and tours of the campus and residence halls. Participating students receive a complimentary ticket to that day's Purdue football game.

Fall Preview Days
At these on-campus programs, high school students can attend an information fair, meet with Purdue's colleges and schools, tour the campus and residence halls, and have a complimentary lunch. Fall Preview Days are held in October and early November.

Explore Purdue
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Explore Purdue is open to all high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors who are interested in investigating their post-high school options and learning more about Purdue. By participating in a variety of activities, students get an overview of campus, Purdue's colleges and schools and their majors, and campus life. Visitors also have the opportunity to interact with professors, staff members, and current students. The content and activities of the program may be of particular interest to African American, Asian American, Hispanic American, and Native American students. Registration starts January 19.

Introducing Purdue
Mar. 27; April 1, 8, 10, 15, 2009
This program is open to all high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors and offers the perfect opportunity to learn more about Purdue. Students who attend will have the chance to talk with academic advisors, tour the campus, visit the residence halls, have lunch in the Purdue Memorial Union, and hear what current Purdue students are saying about life on campus. Registration starts February 2.

Individual Visits
The Office of Admissions hosts daily, individual visits. These are held twice a day, Monday through Friday, and include a presentation and student-guided walking tour.

Office of Admissions, 475 Stadium Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907-2050
(765) 494-1776, TTY: (765) 496-1373,
© 2008 Purdue University. An equal access/equal opportunity university.