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1992 IFDPs

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1992-439 (December 1992)
Life Expectancy of International Cartels: An Empirical Analysis
Jaime Marquez
Abstract and related information | Full paper(146 KB PDF)

1992-438 (December 1992)
Daily Bundesbank and Federal Reserve Intervention and the Conditional Variance Tale in DM/$-Returns
Geert J. Almekinders and Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
Abstract and related information | Full paper(382 KB PDF)

1992-437 (October 1992)
War and Peace: Recovering the Market's Probability Distribution of Crude Oil Futures Prices During the Gulf Crisis
William R. Melick and Charles P. Thomas
Abstract and related information | Full paper(481 KB PDF)

1992-436 (October 1992)
Growth, Political Instability, and the Defense Burden
Stephen Brock Blomberg
Abstract and related information | Full paper(678 KB PDF)

1992-435 (August 1992)
Foreign Exchange Policy, Monetary Policy, and Capital Market Liberalization in Korea
Deborah J. Lindner
Abstract and related information | Full paper(242 KB PDF)

1992-434 (July 1992)
The Political Economy of the Won: U.S.-Korean Bilateral Negotiations on Exchange Rates
Deborah J. Lindner
Abstract and related information | Full paper(303 KB PDF)

1992-433 (July 1992)
Import Demand and Supply with Relatively few Theoretical or Empirical Puzzles
Andrew M. Warner
Abstract and related information | Full paper(559 KB PDF)

1992-432 (June 1992)
The Liquidity Premium in Average Interest Rates
Wilbur John Coleman II, Christian Gilles, and Pamela Labadie
Abstract and related information | Full paper(283 KB PDF)

1992-431 (June 1992)
The Power of Cointegration Tests
Jeroen J.M. Kremers, Neil R. Ericsson, and Juan J. Dolado
Abstract and related information | Full paper(397 KB PDF)

1992-430 (May 1992)
The Adequacy of the Data on U.S. International Financial Transactions: A Federal Reserve Perspective
Lois E. Stekler and Edwin M. Truman
Abstract and related information | Full paper(269 KB PDF)

1992-429 (April 1992)
Whom can we Trust to Run the FED? Theoretical Support for the Founders' Views
Jon Faust
Abstract and related information | Full paper(404 KB PDF)

1992-428 (March 1992)
Stochastic Behavior of the World Economy under Alternative Policy Regimes
Joseph E. Gagnon and Ralph W. Tryon
Abstract and related information | Full paper(332 KB PDF)

1992-427 (March 1992)
Real Exchange Rates: Measurement and Implications for Predicting U.S. External Imbalances
Jaime Marquez
Abstract and related information | Full paper(323 KB PDF)

1992-426 (March 1992)
Central Banks' use in East Asia of Money Market Instruments in the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Robert F. Emery
Abstract and related information | Full paper(304 KB PDF)

1992-425 (March 1992)
Purchasing Power Parity and Uncovered Interest Rate Parity: The United States 1974 - 1990
Hali J. Edison and William R. Melick
Abstract and related information | Full paper(308 KB PDF)

1992-424 (February 1992)
Fiscal Implications of the Transition from Planned to Market Economy
R. Sean Craig and Catherine L. Mann
Abstract and related information | Full paper(285 KB PDF)

1992-423 (February 1992)
Does World Investment Demand Determine U.S. Exports?
Andrew M. Warner
Abstract and related information | Full paper(424 KB PDF)

1992-422 (January 1992)
The Autonomy of Trade Elasticities: Choice and Consequences
Jaime Marquez
Abstract and related information | Full paper(715 KB PDF)

1992-421 (January 1992)
German Unification and the European Monetary System: A Quantitative Analysis
Gwyn Adams, Lewis Alexander, and Joseph Gagnon
Abstract and related information | Full paper(495 KB PDF)

1992-420 (January 1992)
Taxation and Inflation: A New Explanation for Current Account Imbalances
Tamin Bayoumi and Joseph Gagnon
Abstract and related information | Full paper(509 KB PDF)

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