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1991 IFDPs

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1991-419 (December 1991)
A Primer on the Japanese Banking System
Allen B. Frankel and Paul B. Morgan
Abstract and related information | Full paper(904 KB PDF)

1991-418 (December 1991)
Did the Debt Crisis Cause the Investment Crisis?
Andrew M. Warner
Abstract and related information | Full paper(366 KB PDF)

1991-417 (November 1991)
External Adjustment in Selected Developing Countries in the 1990s
William L. Helkie and David H. Howard
Abstract and related information | Full paper(713 KB PDF)

1991-416 (November 1991)
Did the Debt Crisis of the Oil Price Decline Cause Mexico's Investment Collapse?
Andrew M. Warner
Abstract and related information | Full paper(525 KB PDF)

1991-415 (November 1991)
Cointegration, Exogeneity, and Policy Analysis: An Overview
Neil R. Ericsson
Abstract and related information | Full paper(524 KB PDF)

1991-414 (November 1991)
The Usefulness of P* Measures for Japan and Germany
Linda S. Kole and Michael P. Leahy
Abstract and related information | Full paper(640 KB PDF)

1991-413 (October 1991)
Comments on the Evaluation of Policy Models
Clive W.J. Granger and Melinda Deutsch
Abstract and related information | Full paper(307 KB PDF)

1991-412 (October 1991)
Parameter Constancy, Mean Square Forecast Errors, and Measuring Forecast Perfomance: An Exposition, Extensions, and Illustration
Neil R. Ericsson
Abstract and related information | Full paper(451 KB PDF)

1991-411 (September 1991)
Explaining the Volume of Intraindustry Trade: Are Increasing Returns Necessary?
Donald Davis
Abstract and related information | Full paper(268 KB PDF)

1991-410 (September 1991)
How Pervasive is the Product Cycle? The Empirical Dynamics of American and Japanese Trade Flows
Joseph E. Gagnon and Andrew K. Rose
Abstract and related information | Full paper(338 KB PDF)

1991-409 (August 1991)
Anticipations of Foreign Exchange Volatility and Bid-Ask Spreads
Shang-Jin Wei
Abstract and related information | Full paper(472 KB PDF)

1991-408 (August 1991)
A Re-Assessment of the Relationship between Real Exchange Rates and Real Interest Rates: 1974-1990
Hali J. Edison and B. Dianne Pauls
Abstract and related information | Full paper(374 KB PDF)

1991-407 (August 1991)
Argentina's Experience wit Parallel Exchange Markets: 1981-1990
Steven B. Kamin
Abstract and related information | Full paper(689 KB PDF)

1991-406 (August 1991)
PC-GIVE and David Hendry's Econometric Methodology
Neil R. Ericsson, Julia Campos, and Hong-Anh Tran
Abstract and related information | Full paper(1165 KB PDF)

1991-405 (August 1991)
EMS Interest Rate Differentials and Fiscal Policy: A Model with An Empirical Application to Italy
R. Sean Craig
Abstract and related information | Full paper(347 KB PDF)

1991-404 (July 1991)
The Statistical Discrepancy in the U. S. International Transactions Accounts: Sources and Suggested Remedies
Lois E. Stekler
Abstract and related information | Full paper(445 KB PDF)

1991-403 (July 1991)
In Search of the Liquidity Effect
Eric M. Leeper and David B. Gordon
Abstract and related information | Full paper(1190 KB PDF)

1991-402 (June 1991)
Exchange Rate Rules in Support of Disinflation Programs in Developing Countries
Steven B. Kamin
Abstract and related information | Full paper(317 KB PDF)

1991-401 (June 1991)
The Adequacy of U. S. Direct Investment Data
Lois E. Stekler and Guy V. G. Stevens
Abstract and related information | Full paper(650 KB PDF)

1991-400 (June 1991)
Detemining Foreign Exchange Risk and Bank Capital Requirements
Michael P. Leahy
Abstract and related information | Full paper(344 KB PDF)

1991-399 (May 1991)
Precautionary Money Balances with Aggregate Uncertainty
Wilbur John Coleman II
Abstract and related information | Full paper(293 KB PDF)

1991-398 (May 1991)
Using External Sustainability to Forecast the Dollar
Ellen E. Meade and Charles P. Thomas
Abstract and related information | Full paper(373 KB PDF)

1991-397 (May 1991)
Terms of Trade, The Trade Balance, and Stability: The Role of Savings Behavior
Michael Gavin
Abstract and related information | Full paper(366 KB PDF)

1991-396 (May 1991)
The Econometrics of Elasticities of the Elasticity of Econometrics: An Empirical Analysis of the Behavior of U. S. Imports
Jaime Marquez
Abstract and related information | Full paper(626 KB PDF)

1991-395 (April 1991)
Expected and Predicted Realignments: The FF/DM Exchange Rated During the EMS
Andrew K. Rose and Lars E. O. Svensson
Abstract and related information | Full paper(394 KB PDF)

1991-394 (April 1991)
Market Segmentation and 1992: Toward a Theory of Trade in Financial Services
John D. Montgomery
Abstract and related information | Full paper(484 KB PDF)

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