Frequently Asked Questions
Purdue University Housing and Food Services

Residential Life

Group of Students in Tarkington


Complementing the missions of Purdue University and University Residences, Residential Life helps students become productive, contributing citizens by fostering respect for self, others, and community by offering opportunities for the development of life skills.

Julie Talz, Director of Residential Life


Taking Responsibility

Students work towards a self-governing conduct system by learning about the standards of community living. They are encouraged to govern themselves by confronting each other in regard to interpersonal conflicts, policy violations, and disrespect of others, for example. The first step is understanding the policies and procedures of University Residences.

Developing Leadership Potential

Living in the University Residences provides students with many opportunities to develop their leadership abilities. In addition to the more than 630 Purdue student organizations, students can develop their personal and professional skills by serving as an officer in their residence hall student organization (club), participating in residence hall activities such as the yearly Leadership Conference, joining the residence hall Resident Assistant staff, and working in many job opportunities within Housing and Food Services.

Making It Better

By participating in student organizations and activities, students can have a direct impact on their community to "Make it Better". Getting the most out of their time at Purdue means getting involved and being proactive. Each undergraduate residence hall has a student organization to which all residents of that hall belong - these clubs provide student-led activities and events, a voice to hall administration, real-life leadership experience. In addition, the University Residences Residence Hall Council (RHC) acts as a liaison between students and the Residence Halls administration.

Experience a Safe Microcosm of the "Real World"

Living in the residence halls provides students with a safe place to learn about and experience the joys, struggles, realities, issues, and challenges of the 'real world'. Student life programs are designed to give students opportunities to learn in a variety of settings, help develop the potential that lies within each one, and encourage students to take ownership for their actions by sorting through a variety of problems in a proper manner with respect for those with whom they interact.