Purdue University
Study Abroad
My Study Abroad

Thank you for encouraging your son or daughter to take part in study abroad.  In an increasingly global society, an international component has become an essential part of higher education.  By helping your child to take part in this program, you are helping to prepare him or her for the new world that is the twenty-first century.

While at Purdue, your son or daughter will have many opportunites to learn about, and from, other cultures. Purdue currently has more international students than almost any other institutiuonin the US.  As part of the Strategic Plan, the University is also stepping up its efforts to encourage more students to study abroad.  Studying overseas enables students to develop maturity and independence, expand their knowledge of the world, and increase their sensitivity to other cultures. These traits help prepare them for graduate school or the job market.

With more than 200 study abroad programs in dozens of countries, Purdue offers something for every major. Students can plan their study abroad experience to include classes and/or internships that will earn them credit towards their Purdue degree. This means that, with reasonable planning, students can study abroad and still graduate in four years.

Study abroad opportunities range in duration from a week to an entire year, so a study abroad experience can fit into any student's schedule. Costs vary with program and location.

Students can be sure that the social and political climate in the area they will be traveling to is conducive to studying because Purdue follows the advice of the U.S. government regarding the safety of the countries where we send students.  For more information concerning the safety and health of your student, please see the Safety & Health page.

If your student has made the decision to study abroad, we have a Family Guide that should answer many of your questions and concerns about the study abroad process.  The Guide also offers tips and suggestions how you can be support your student while he or she is overseas and information about the practical considerations involved as your student prepares to leave for his or her host country.

For more detail, please see our page of links of use to parents.

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