Federal Reserve Statistical Release, E.2, Survey of Terms of Business Lending; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: March 14, 2008
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E.2 SURVEY OF TERMS OF BUSINESS LENDING, FEBRUARY 4-8, 2008                        For immediate release
1. Commercial and industrial loans made by all commercial banks1                          March 14, 2008
Maturity/repricing interval2
and risk3 of loans
loan rate4
Total value of
($ millions)
loan size
($ thousands)
Percent of value of loans Commitment status
Subject to
Prime based Percent
made under
since loan
terms set6
 1. All C&I loans 4.64   84,378   556   485   37.3   31.2   24.0   77.8   10.3  
 2.   Minimal risk 3.61   5,835   1,583   178   10.5   35.2   5.7   58.4   1.9  
 3.   Low risk 3.97   11,280   748   336   21.0   52.8   20.5   76.3   9.0  
 4.   Moderate risk 4.86   29,977   540   449   46.6   39.0   27.0   73.3   14.1  
 5.   Other 5.36   15,526   359   471   62.4   27.3   36.2   80.2   15.9  
 6. Zero interval 5.68   18,258   202   683   64.8   11.0   69.7   87.0   10.7  
 7.   Minimal risk 5.02   358   319   913   49.2   2.5   48.3   89.3   9.8  
 8.   Low risk 5.15   1,934   237   687   51.6   4.6   62.3   71.4   13.1  
 9.   Moderate risk 6.02   7,288   221   653   66.6   9.9   75.0   93.5   12.1  
10.   Other 6.11   3,916   144   632   78.2   8.7   74.0   94.8   10.5  
11. Daily 3.70   23,678   2,517   124   12.9   51.3   10.2   51.6   7.5  
12.   Minimal risk 3.30   3,955   15,779   9   1.2   44.1   .4   43.8   .0  
13.   Low risk 3.48   5,054   2,595   120   5.5   61.2   15.0   69.4   6.9  
14.   Moderate risk 3.90   8,151   1,986   119   28.3   65.8   15.5   38.2   17.7  
15.   Other 3.90   3,061   1,702   31   10.9   53.8   6.5   30.7   4.7  
16. 2 to 30 days 4.38   26,715   1,203   523   29.6   32.2   5.3   86.6   8.5  
17.   Minimal risk 4.05   827   1,033   517   33.7   30.9   11.9   83.7   3.0  
18.   Low risk 3.84   3,382   1,407   367   18.4   69.8   7.0   88.5   10.0  
19.   Moderate risk 4.69   9,859   1,460   462   47.0   39.9   6.7   78.6   12.9  
20.   Other 4.79   2,680   352   550   62.3   58.8   8.3   79.9   11.8  
21. 31 to 365 days 5.05   10,447   704   456   52.8   20.7   14.2   94.4   15.8  
22.   Minimal risk 3.99   625   912   453   14.1   7.3   1.5   98.3   1.6  
23.   Low risk 4.71   606   355   433   42.8   43.0   8.9   95.5   7.1  
24.   Moderate risk 4.86   3,077   495   366   52.3   40.1   5.7   92.8   17.4  
25.   Other 5.69   3,920   1,174   226   81.7   12.8   28.5   97.3   25.2  
26. More than 365 days 5.91   4,934   356   48   61.8   25.0   43.7   86.8   14.4  
27.   Minimal risk 4.69   58   128   54   16.9   .7   40.6   71.9   6.3  
28.   Low risk 4.86   249   310   69   82.7   47.0   23.3   53.8   7.8  
29.   Moderate risk 5.70   1,476   288   49   38.7   22.5   36.2   89.0   14.0  
30.   Other 6.24   1,934   645   41   73.0   8.6   60.8   95.2   17.8  
Size of loan
($ thousands)
average risk
31.   3 - 99 6.48   2,990   3.2   170   85.9   7.2   67.6   86.0   8.2  
32.   100 - 999 5.87   10,539   3.2   147   74.1   12.7   61.6   90.8   11.1  
33.   1,000 - 9,999 4.86   22,454   3.2   157   44.5   26.9   28.2   88.4   12.3  
34.   10,000+ 4.16   48,395   2.8   61   22.9   38.7   11.1   69.6   9.1  
    Base rate of loan7   Average size
($ thousands)
35.   Prime8 5.90   20,224   3.3   139   62.3   14.5   203   89.7   16.1  
36.   Other 4.24   64,154   2.9   89   29.4   36.4   1,232   74.1   8.2  
...  The number of loans was insufficient to provide a meaningful value.

E.2 SURVEY OF TERMS OF BUSINESS LENDING, FEBRUARY 4-8, 2008                        For immediate release
2. Commercial and industrial loans made by domestic banks1                                March 14, 2008
Maturity/repricing interval2
and risk3 of loans
loan rate4
Total value of
($ millions)
loan size
($ thousands)
Percent of value of loans Commitment status
Subject to
Prime based Percent
made under
since loan
terms set6
 1. All C&I loans 5.22   44,796   305   630   53.3   17.5   42.1   85.0   14.6  
 2.   Minimal risk 4.20   1,524   449   309   34.0   3.2   20.8   49.8   6.5  
 3.   Low risk 4.60   4,779   333   661   43.3   21.5   46.8   72.0   18.9  
 4.   Moderate risk 5.08   19,661   364   602   40.7   18.7   35.8   88.4   14.5  
 5.   Other 5.89   10,775   256   543   79.8   11.1   51.0   96.0   17.7  
 6. Zero interval 5.47   16,588   186   667   63.5   11.5   69.3   85.9   10.8  
 7.   Minimal risk 4.62   263   248   689   60.1   3.4   61.2   85.4   10.8  
 8.   Low risk 5.12   1,810   227   643   53.1   3.0   62.5   69.4   13.4  
 9.   Moderate risk 5.54   6,186   189   657   63.7   11.0   71.5   92.9   12.6  
10.   Other 6.06   3,608   135   584   76.7   8.6   77.2   94.3   10.3  
11. Daily 4.22   6,068   720   285   14.3   25.5   37.9   53.7   25.8  
12.   Minimal risk 3.57   603   3,078   8   7.1   .3   2.7   2.5   2.7  
13.   Low risk 3.84   1,134   638   513   23.8   50.9   66.8   51.4   41.0  
14.   Moderate risk 4.27   3,666   954   268   7.4   25.7   33.8   62.0   23.6  
15.   Other 6.19   306   189   348   68.0   4.7   63.3   85.0   16.4  
16. 2 to 30 days 4.96   10,407   524   566   46.5   20.4   13.4   94.8   11.9  
17.   Minimal risk 4.99   256   387   551   81.3   13.9   38.4   56.7   7.9  
18.   Low risk 4.22   1,216   575   562   34.0   18.2   19.4   95.3   17.5  
19.   Moderate risk 5.06   6,417   1,053   553   38.1   18.7   10.1   97.6   11.3  
20.   Other 5.16   1,291   179   409   86.4   28.9   17.0   96.0   13.4  
21. 31 to 365 days 5.43   6,609   467   329   68.6   13.2   22.5   95.1   21.6  
22.   Minimal risk 4.25   332   512   230   26.6   .4   2.8   96.9   3.1  
23.   Low risk 5.65   318   194   376   67.8   7.2   17.0   93.4   9.8  
24.   Moderate risk 4.84   1,830   306   525   43.3   23.0   9.6   92.9   19.9  
25.   Other 5.77   3,624   1,130   181   85.1   9.1   30.8   99.1   26.3  
26. More than 365 days 5.91   4,854   352   48   62.2   25.4   44.4   86.6   14.4  
27.   Minimal risk 4.69   58   128   54   16.9   .7   40.6   71.9   6.3  
28.   Low risk 4.88   247   309   69   83.5   46.5   23.5   53.4   7.9  
29.   Moderate risk 5.72   1,436   281   50   38.0   23.1   37.2   88.7   14.4  
30.   Other 6.24   1,931   646   41   73.1   8.6   60.9   95.2   17.8  
Size of loan
($ thousands)
average risk
31.   3 - 99 6.48   2,966   3.2   171   86.2   7.0   67.7   86.0   8.2  
32.   100 - 999 5.92   9,824   3.2   155   76.5   10.8   64.2   90.6   10.8  
33.   1,000 - 9,999 5.15   15,263   3.2   216   55.3   18.5   39.9   91.9   14.0  
34.   10,000+ 4.64   16,743   3.2   154   32.1   22.3   26.6   75.3   19.2  
    Base rate of loan7   Average size
($ thousands)
35.   Prime8 5.73   18,849   3.3   149   61.3   15.2   191   89.0   16.5  
36.   Other 4.84   25,947   3.1   197   47.5   19.1   541   82.1   13.0  
...  The number of loans was insufficient to provide a meaningful value.

E.2 SURVEY OF TERMS OF BUSINESS LENDING, FEBRUARY 4-8, 2008                        For immediate release
3. Commercial and industrial loans made by large domestic banks1                          March 14, 2008
Maturity/repricing interval2
and risk3 of loans
loan rate4
Total value of
($ millions)
loan size
($ thousands)
Percent of value of loans Commitment status
Subject to
Prime based Percent
made under
since loan
terms set6
 1. All C&I loans 5.04   39,519   449   596   49.7   19.1   39.4   85.9   15.7  
 2.   Minimal risk 3.79   1,206   1,124   274   18.7   3.6   13.8   49.9   8.0  
 3.   Low risk 4.41   4,082   479   716   40.8   24.6   43.7   73.4   20.6  
 4.   Moderate risk 4.91   17,556   633   556   35.8   20.3   33.0   88.4   15.5  
 5.   Other 5.75   9,371   348   482   78.6   11.7   48.1   97.9   19.2  
 6. Zero interval 5.32   13,957   228   701   62.2   13.0   66.7   86.2   11.4  
 7.   Minimal risk 4.44   236   450   598   57.9   1.8   57.2   88.5   11.4  
 8.   Low risk 5.07   1,373   242   774   56.7   3.5   55.2   75.1   14.0  
 9.   Moderate risk 5.39   5,116   262   678   61.0   12.4   69.9   93.2   13.5  
10.   Other 5.87   2,833   160   588   74.1   10.2   73.6   95.9   10.7  
11. Daily 4.10   5,760   1,553   265   10.3   26.7   35.4   52.5   27.5  
12.   Minimal risk 3.47   564   8,015   5   1.8   .3   1.7   1.5   4.3  
13.   Low risk 3.73   1,093   1,922   513   21.0   52.5   65.6   50.4   43.0  
14.   Moderate risk 4.21   3,554   1,905   255   4.7   26.4   31.9   61.0   24.6  
15.   Other 5.93   199   579   135   55.8   2.8   50.6   89.6   21.8  
16. 2 to 30 days 4.87   9,751   648   509   43.6   21.5   10.5   95.8   12.3  
17.   Minimal risk 4.39   95   369   725   50.0   37.3   .0   82.7   14.3  
18.   Low risk 4.17   1,179   711   572   33.0   18.6   19.0   95.4   17.7  
19.   Moderate risk 4.97   6,091   1,614   475   35.7   19.4   8.1   97.5   11.6  
20.   Other 5.03   1,174   199   303   85.2   31.5   11.5   97.8   14.3  
21. 31 to 365 days 5.26   5,926   1,481   341   65.9   14.6   21.2   97.3   23.2  
22.   Minimal risk 3.70   267   1,512   252   9.7   .5   .6   100.0   3.7  
23.   Low risk 5.00   162   541   485   51.1   11.5   20.8   96.3   17.4  
24.   Moderate risk 4.54   1,599   1,171   571   36.5   26.3   6.6   95.5   21.9  
25.   Other 5.73   3,513   1,990   179   84.7   9.4   30.1   99.8   26.8  
26. More than 365 days 5.61   3,878   1,096   44   55.5   28.5   50.1   91.9   16.7  
27.   Minimal risk 3.64   42   1,250   52   9.8   1.0   49.8   91.2   6.9  
28.   Low risk 4.66   223   748   71   81.8   49.5   24.5   54.0   8.3  
29.   Moderate risk 5.35   1,075   957   46   22.0   26.1   45.2   93.3   17.9  
30.   Other 6.05   1,640   1,662   37   71.1   6.4   68.3   98.7   20.0  
Size of loan
($ thousands)
average risk
31.   3 - 99 6.01   1,749   3.4   54   84.8   10.7   66.7   90.8   9.4  
32.   100 - 999 5.67   7,360   3.3   109   73.3   12.9   63.2   93.8   12.1  
33.   1,000 - 9,999 5.05   13,865   3.2   180   53.6   19.5   39.8   92.6   14.9  
34.   10,000+ 4.65   16,545   3.2   156   32.3   22.5   25.7   76.2   19.2  
    Base rate of loan7   Average size
($ thousands)
35.   Prime8 5.57   15,584   3.3   157   58.1   17.9   268   91.3   18.2  
36.   Other 4.70   23,935   3.1   147   44.3   19.9   804   82.3   13.8  
...  The number of loans was insufficient to provide a meaningful value.

E.2 SURVEY OF TERMS OF BUSINESS LENDING, FEBRUARY 4-8, 2008                        For immediate release
4. Commercial and industrial loans made by small domestic banks1                          March 14, 2008
Maturity/repricing interval2
and risk3 of loans
loan rate4
Total value of
($ millions)
loan size
($ thousands)
Percent of value of loans Commitment status
Subject to
Prime based Percent
made under
since loan
terms set6
 1. All C&I loans 6.51   5,277   90   890   80.2   4.9   61.9   78.7   5.5  
 2.   Minimal risk 5.74   319   137   537   92.0   1.5   47.3   49.2   .7  
 3.   Low risk 5.68   697   120   379   58.2   3.0   65.0   63.8   7.6  
 4.   Moderate risk 6.52   2,104   80   1,020   81.6   5.8   58.9   88.2   6.0  
 5.   Other 6.86   1,404   92   946   87.9   6.9   70.5   83.0   6.2  
 6. Zero interval 6.24   2,632   94   483   70.3   3.3   82.9   84.1   7.9  
 7.   Minimal risk 6.20   27   50   1,392   80.0   18.0   97.0   57.9   2.6  
 8.   Low risk 5.27   438   190   344   42.0   1.4   85.7   51.5   10.8  
 9.   Moderate risk 6.28   1,070   81   532   76.4   4.5   79.5   91.6   8.2  
10.   Other 6.75   775   86   570   86.1   3.0   90.2   88.6   8.7  
11. Daily 6.41   308   65   698   89.7   4.5   83.6   76.2   4.0  
12.   Minimal risk 5.04   38   305   196   86.1   .0   17.6   17.7   .8  
13.   Low risk 6.73   42   34   533   95.8   8.9   99.0   77.8   7.6  
14.   Moderate risk 6.45   112   56   665   92.0   1.2   95.8   93.8   3.1  
15.   Other 6.67   107   84   664   90.7   8.1   87.0   76.4   4.6  
16. 2 to 30 days 6.29   657   136   1,537   90.0   4.1   56.1   80.5   4.7  
17.   Minimal risk 5.35   160   399   330   99.9   .0   61.3   41.2   .2  
18.   Low risk 5.80   37   82   239   67.0   6.6   33.9   91.2   12.6  
19.   Moderate risk 6.70   326   140   2,024   84.6   6.3   48.4   99.1   5.8  
20.   Other 6.51   117   91   1,401   97.7   3.1   72.0   77.9   2.1  
21. 31 to 365 days 6.98   683   67   229   92.2   .8   33.8   75.8   2.1  
22.   Minimal risk 6.53   65   138   141   96.0   .0   11.9   84.1   .2  
23.   Low risk 6.33   156   117   278   85.0   2.8   13.2   90.3   1.5  
24.   Moderate risk 6.93   231   50   219   90.9   .5   30.4   74.9   2.6  
25.   Other 6.95   110   76   240   97.2   .1   53.0   78.4   4.1  
26. More than 365 days 7.09   976   95   65   88.6   12.9   21.8   65.6   1.2  
27.   Minimal risk 7.42   16   39   58   35.6   .0   16.7   21.7   .0  
28.   Low risk 6.93   24   47   50   98.7   18.6   14.1   47.5   4.3  
29.   Moderate risk 6.83   361   90   61   85.6   14.1   13.4   74.9   1.0  
30.   Other 7.31   291   145   68   84.3   21.2   18.9   75.2   1.1  
Size of loan
($ thousands)
average risk
31.   3 - 99 7.16   1,217   3.1   340   88.1   1.7   69.0   79.1   6.2  
32.   100 - 999 6.68   2,464   3.2   294   86.1   4.5   67.4   80.8   6.3  
33.   1,000 - 9,999 6.06   1,398   2.9   570   71.7   9.2   40.6   85.6   3.7  
34.   10,000+ ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...  
    Base rate of loan7   Average size
($ thousands)
35.   Prime8 6.48   3,265   3.1   111   76.7   2.3   81   78.0   6.9  
36.   Other 6.56   2,012   2.9   783   85.7   9.2   110   79.7   3.4  
...  The number of loans was insufficient to provide a meaningful value.

E.2 SURVEY OF TERMS OF BUSINESS LENDING, FEBRUARY 4-8, 2008                            For immediate release
5. Commercial and industrial loans made by U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks1       March 14, 2008
Maturity/repricing interval2
and risk3 of loans
loan rate4
Total value of
($ millions)
loan size
($ thousands)
Percent of value of loans Commitment status
Subject to
Prime based Percent
made under
since loan
terms set6
 1. All C&I loans 3.99   39,582   7,871   332   19.1   46.7   3.5   69.7   4.5  
 2.   Minimal risk 3.40   4,311   14,854   137   2.1   46.5   .3   61.5   .6  
 3.   Low risk 3.52   6,501   8,804   145   4.6   75.9   1.1   79.5   2.4  
 4.   Moderate risk 4.44   10,316   7,125   156   57.9   77.7   10.4   44.5   12.4  
 5.   Other 4.14   4,751   4,214   319   23.1   63.9   2.6   44.5   6.8  
 6. Zero interval 7.84   1,670   1,762   916   78.0   6.3   74.3   98.1   9.6  
 7.   Minimal risk 6.15   95   1,553   1,490   18.9   .0   12.7   100.0   7.3  
 8.   Low risk 5.62   124   603   1,152   29.5   28.8   58.9   100.0   10.0  
 9.   Moderate risk 8.72   1,101   3,882   610   82.8   3.6   94.6   97.1   9.2  
10.   Other 6.69   308   783   1,119   95.9   10.1   36.6   100.0   12.5  
11. Daily 3.52   17,610   18,024   72   12.4   60.2   .7   50.9   .9  
12.   Minimal risk 3.26   3,352   61,156   9   .1   51.9   .0   51.2   .0  
13.   Low risk 3.38   3,920   23,231   15   .2   64.2   .0   74.6   .0  
14.   Moderate risk 3.60   4,485   17,243   4   45.4   98.7   .4   18.8   1.8  
15.   Other 3.65   2,755   15,535   2   4.6   59.2   .2   24.7   .2  
16. 2 to 30 days 4.00   16,307   6,976   497   18.8   39.7   .1   81.4   5.9  
17.   Minimal risk 3.63   571   4,117   505   12.4   38.5   .0   95.8   1.7  
18.   Low risk 3.62   2,166   7,465   277   9.6   98.8   .0   84.7   5.2  
19.   Moderate risk 4.00   3,442   5,242   295   63.5   79.3   .2   43.1   19.7  
20.   Other 4.44   1,389   3,356   671   39.8   86.6   .2   65.0   9.7  
21. 31 to 365 days 4.38   3,838   5,545   672   25.7   33.7   .0   93.2   5.8  
22.   Minimal risk 3.68   292   8,239   704   .0   15.0   .0   100.0   .0  
23.   Low risk 3.66   288   4,119   492   15.2   82.6   .0   97.9   4.3  
24.   Moderate risk 4.87   1,247   5,551   142   65.5   65.2   .0   92.7   13.8  
25.   Other 4.68   296   2,222   779   40.7   57.6   .0   74.8   7.4  
26. More than 365 days 5.71   79   1,761   34   37.8   3.5   .0   100.0   12.6  
27.   Minimal risk ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...  
28.   Low risk ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...  
29.   Moderate risk ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...  
30.   Other ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...  
Size of loan
($ thousands)
average risk
31.   3 - 99 5.82   24   3.1   22   56.1   29.6   59.0   93.1   11.6  
32.   100 - 999 5.09   715   3.1   35   41.6   38.7   26.0   93.9   14.9  
33.   1,000 - 9,999 4.26   7,191   3.1   32   21.7   44.6   3.5   80.8   8.3  
34.   10,000+ 3.90   31,652   2.6   13   18.0   47.4   2.9   66.7   3.1  
    Base rate of loan7   Average size
($ thousands)
35.   Prime8 8.31   1,375   3.0   0   76.4   3.8   1,471   99.8   10.2  
36.   Other 3.84   38,207   2.6   17   17.0   48.2   9,333   68.7   4.2  
...  The number of loans was insufficient to provide a meaningful value.

E.2 SURVEY OF TERMS OF BUSINESS LENDING, FEBRUARY 4-8, 2008                                 For immediate release
6. Commercial and industrial loans by date pricing terms were set and commitment status            March 14, 2008
Date pricing terms were set
and commitment status
loan rate4
Amount of
($ millions)
loan size
($ thousands)
average risk
Percent of value of loans
Subject to
Prime based
All commercial banks
 1. During survey week 4.03   41,183   919   2.7   68   23.8   41.7   9.9  
 2.   Not under commitment 3.89   18,694   890   2.8   74   30.2   47.3   11.1  
 3.   Informal commitment 3.85   17,602   1,175   2.3   32   7.6   40.7   4.3  
 4.   Formal commitment 5.19   4,887   555   2.9   175   57.3   23.9   25.6  
    Before survey week9
 5.   Up to 90 days 5.18   10,036   420   3.0   150   46.9   19.1   32.9  
 6.   91 to 365 days 5.40   16,073   287   3.1   91   50.5   18.2   35.6  
 6.   More than 365 days 5.08   17,056   642   3.4   162   51.6   25.2   41.5  
Domestic banks
 8. During survey week 5.05   11,215   265   2.9   222   48.3   14.0   36.3  
 9.   Not under commitment 4.45   6,718   330   2.5   199   29.1   10.5   30.9  
10.   Informal commitment 6.24   1,467   109   3.0   226   80.4   1.7   50.5  
11.   Formal commitment 5.82   3,030   354   3.5   270   75.2   27.7   41.2  
    Before survey week9
12.   Up to 90 days 4.93   7,131   301   3.1   203   53.8   18.3   34.6  
13.   91 to 365 days 5.55   12,506   227   3.2   105   54.3   13.8   44.4  
14.   More than 365 days 5.19   13,915   555   3.5   190   56.1   23.1   48.4  
Large domestic banks
15. During survey week 4.52   8,228   610   2.9   148   36.9   16.6   27.9  
16.   Not under commitment 4.09   5,592   641   2.5   137   19.6   11.0   24.3  
17.   Informal commitment 5.06   411   164   3.2   37   81.1   1.5   36.4  
18.   Formal commitment 5.49   2,225   980   3.6   196   72.3   33.6   35.4  
    Before survey week9
19.   Up to 90 days 4.75   6,489   401   3.1   136   49.9   20.1   33.5  
20.   91 to 365 days 5.47   11,409   292   3.1   110   51.9   14.9   41.9  
21.   More than 365 days 5.14   13,394   696   3.5   195   55.7   23.9   47.3  
Small domestic banks
22. During survey week 6.53   2,987   103   2.9   421   79.7   6.8   59.3  
23.   Not under commitment 6.24   1,126   97   2.6   506   76.7   8.1   63.7  
24.   Informal commitment 6.70   1,056   96   2.9   289   80.1   1.7   56.0  
25.   Formal commitment 6.71   805   128   3.0   476   83.2   11.5   57.5  
    Before survey week9
26.   Up to 90 days 6.71   642   86   3.4   890   93.0   .6   45.3  
27.   91 to 365 days 6.36   1,097   68   3.3   50   79.9   2.7   70.1  
28.   More than 365 days 6.39   521   89   3.2   76   66.7   4.1   77.7  
Foreign banks
29. During survey week 3.64   29,969   12,316   2.6   11   14.6   52.1   .0  
30.   Not under commitment 3.58   11,977   17,465   2.9   5   30.9   68.0   .0  
31.   Informal commitment 3.63   16,135   10,808   2.2   15   .9   44.2   .1  
32.   Formal commitment 4.17   1,857   7,289   2.1   21   28.2   17.6   .2  
    Before survey week9
33.   Up to 90 days 5.81   2,905   13,861   2.8   20   29.9   21.1   28.9  
34.   91 to 365 days 4.89   3,567   3,951   2.9   41   37.2   33.5   4.9  
35.   More than 365 days 4.61   3,142   2,118   3.0   36   31.4   34.2   11.0  
...  The number of loans was insufficient to provide a meaningful value.

Summary statistics All commercial
Large domestic
Small domestic
Average reported prime rate 6.03   6.03   6.00   6.16   6.01  
Standard error of loan rate4 .34   .19   .21   .17   .53  


The Survey of Terms of Business Lending collects data on gross loan extensions made during the first full business week in the middle month of each quarter. The authorized panel size for the survey is 348 domestically chartered commercial banks and 50 U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks. The sample data are used to estimate the terms of loans extended during that week at all domestic commercial banks and all U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks. The terms on loans extended during the survey week may differ from those extended during other weeks of the quarter. The estimates reported here are not intended to measure the average terms on all business loans in bank portfolios.

1. As of March 31, 2003, assets of the large banks were at least $3.7 billion. Median total assets for all insured banks were roughly $93 million. Assets at all U.S. branches and agencies averaged $3.3 billion.

2. The "maturity/repricing" interval measures the period from the date the loan is made until it first may be repriced or matures. For floating-rate loans that are subject to repricing at any time--such as many prime-based loans--the maturity/repricing interval is zero. For floating-rate loans that have a scheduled repricing interval, the maturity/repricing interval measures the number of days between the date the loan is made and the date on which it is next scheduled to reprice. For loans having rates that remain fixed until the loan matures (fixed-rate loans), the maturity/repricing interval measures the number of days between the date the loan is made and the date on which it matures. Loans that reprice daily mature or reprice on the business day after they are made. Because of weekends and holidays, such loans may have maturity/repricing intervals in of more thanone day; nevertheless, such loans are not included in the 2 to 30 day category.

3. A complete description of these risk categories is available in the survey instructions, available at "http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/reportforms/ReportDetail.cfm?WhichFormId=FR_2028a/s". The category "Moderate risk" includes the average loan, under average economic conditions, at the typical lender. The "Other" category includes loans rated "Acceptable" as well as special mention or classified loans. The weighted-average risk ratings published for loans in rows 31-39 are calculated by assigning a value of 1 to minimal risk loans, 2 to low risk loans, 3 to moderate risk loans, 4 to acceptable risk loans, and 5 to special mention and classified loans. These values are weighted by loan amount and exclude loans with no risk rating. Some of the loans in table rows 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, and 31-36 are not rated for risk.

4. Effective (compounded) annual interest rates are calculated from the stated rate and other terms of the loans and weighted by loan amount. For the standard error of the loan rate for all C&I loans in the current survey (tables 1-5, line 1, column 1), see the summary statistics table. The chances are about two out of three that the average rate shown will differ by less than this amount from the average rate that would be found by a complete survey of the universe of all banks.

5. Average maturities are weighted by loan amount and exclude loans with no stated maturities.

6. For loans made under formal commitments, the average time interval between the date on which the loan pricing was set and the date on which the loan was made, weighted by the loan amount. For loans under informal commitment, the time interval is zero.

7. Prime-based loans are based on the lending bank's own prime rate, any other lender's prime rate, a combintation of prime rates, or a publicly reported prime rate. Loans with "other" base rates include loan rates expressed in terms of any other base rate (e.g., the federal funds rate or LIBOR) and loans for which no base rate is used to determine the loan rate.

8. See the summary statistics tables for the average reported prime rate weighted by the dollar value of loans priced relative to a prime base rate.

9. For loans made under formal commitments.

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