Purdue University
International Programs
Funding International Programs

Purdue: It's Happening Here!

The Campaign for Purdue continues to energize the campus, and things are also "Happening Here" in the Office of International Programs.

Our development objectives are consistent with the University's overall strategic goals of:

Discovery that expands the realm of knowledge,
Learning through dissemination and preservation of knowledge,
Engagement through exchange of knowledge

If you would like to receive additional information on the overall campaign goals and the University's Strategic Plan, please contact IP Director of Development by phone (765) 494-9399 or by e-mail at puglobal@purdue.edu. If you visit campus in the coming months, please stop in and say Hello! The Office of International Programs is located in Young Hall on Wood and Grant Streets. We encourage you to return to campus and view some of the new buildings and ongoing renovations that are changing the face of the West Lafayette campus. Remember, It's Happening Here!

Why invest in the Office of International Programs?

The Office of International Programs provides experienced and comprehensive leadership for Purdue´s international activities throughout the world. Your support of the Office of International Programs Fund will:

  • Broaden students´ choices of courses by providing scholarships for international internships or study abroad giving students invaluable hands-on experience in another country and enabling them to reach their full potential;

  • Stimulate cross-cultural, collaborative, faculty teaching, research and service programs within Purdue´s Schools and departments;

  • Extend the international capabilities of Purdue by supporting future initiatives built from the collaborative work of Purdue faculty and overseas institutions.

All giving opportunities are guided by the research, teaching, curriculum development, and institution-building opportunities provided by Purdue´s International Program Office.

Give for the first time or continue your investments in the Office of International Programs. It is a meaningful way to show your support for a quality - based global education impacting us now and for years to come.

Giving Opportunities for Study Abroad
Giving Opportunities for International Students and Scholars
How to Give to the International Programs Fund

Thank you for expanding the value of a Purdue education!

Director of Development, Office of International Programs

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Copyrights © International Programs Purdue University, 1994-2009