Service-Learning Resources & Grants

Funding for Faculty Members

Internal Funding from the Office of Engagement
As the effort to promote a campus-wide adoption of Service-Learning into classrooms, the Center for Instructional Excellence has established workshops for faculty members whom are interested in learning more about Service-Learning. These workshops are available every semester to provide participants with hands-on experiences and working knowledge about Service-Learning. Two grant programs are also available from the Office of the Provost: (1) The Community of Service-Learning Faculty Fellows program and (2) The Service-Learning Development Grant program. Please contact the Director of Center for Instructional Excellence for detailed information.
External Funding Sources

Funding for Students

Community Service Student Grant Program
The Community Service Student Grant Program, facilitated by the Office of Engagement, provides grants to Purdue students or student organizations for community service projects. Grant amounts range from $100-$1500. Applications are available by contacting the Office of Engagement Administrative Assistant, Cheryl Butz(

Other Service-Learning Resources