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Adult Enrichment Learning: Evening Classes FAQ

How do I register for an evening class?
If you are a new part-time, degree-seeking student who has been admitted to a school at Purdue, contact your academic counselor.

If you are a new or current non-degree student wanting to take undergraduate courses (100-400 level), contact the Office of Admissions at 765-494-1776. Students wishing to take 500- or 600-level courses should contact the graduate office of the academic department offering the course. If you are a degree-seeking student who has been admitted to a school at Purdue, contact your academic counselor. University offices are open for registration weekdays from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. The Admissions offices are open on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon when school is in session. Non-degree students who are unable to submit a course request on campus may request special registration by mail. Write to the Office of Admissions to explain why a visit to campus is not possible for you and indicate the courses you wish to request. The Office of Admissions will then coordinate your registration.

Can I get a refund if I find I can't participate in a course?
Paid fees for canceled classes will be refunded fully. Students who officially withdraw from credit courses receive fee refunds based upon the following schedule:
  • 80 percent in weeks 1 and 2
  • 60 percent in weeks 3 and 4
  • 40 percent in weeks 5 and 6
No refunds are granted after the sixth week of the course.

Where can I go to find financial support?
  • Tuition-refund plans are offered by many companies in the Greater Lafayette area. Check with your supervisor to see whether your employer will pay all or part of your course fees.
  • Grants for part-time students age 24 and over are available on a limited basis through Purdue Span Plan (765-494-9756). Span Plan grants are awarded each semester to adult learners to encourage them to continue their education at the University. Each grant covers fees for one undergraduate credit course on the West Lafayette campus. Preference is given to new beginning adult learners who have not previously received a grant and who wish to study part-time at the undergraduate level. Applicants must have in-state and permanent resident status. Financial need is a primary consideration. Students who possess a four-year degree or are receiving other financial aid are not eligible.
  • Scolarships, grants, loans, and part-time employment may be available to degree seeking students. For more information visit the Division of Financial Aid website at www.purdue.edu/dfa.

Where can I get counseling on my academic career?
The Span Plan program offers special services to undergraduate adult learners at Purdue University. Whether you are returning to school or just beginning, enrolled part-time or full-time, Span Plan has something to offer you.

To help adult learners ages 24 and older, the Span Plan Program offers special, tailor-made services such as these listed below:
  • Orientation and re-entry counseling
  • Academic counseling
  • Orientation programs
  • Tutor lists
  • Orientation credit course for new students
  • Life Career Planning credit course for adult learners
  • Career counseling and testing
  • Books on career planning, study skills, etc.
  • Financial counseling
  • Grant program for part-time adult students
  • Personal counseling
  • Clearinghouse for University resources
  • Adult Students' Association of Purdue (ASAP), a student organization for adult learners
For more information about Span Plan, visit Schleman Hall, Room 207, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 12 noon, and 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. or call 765-494-1257. To visit the Span Plan site click here.

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA, (765) 494-4600
© 2008 Purdue University. An equal access/equal opportunity university.