Our mission is to conduct high quality social science research in the public interest.


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About NORC

NORC, known since its founding in 1941 as the National Opinion Research Center, has headquarters on the University of Chicago's campus, and offices in Chicago's downtown Loop, Washington, DC, Bethesda, Maryland, and Berkeley, California, as well as a field staff that operates nationwide. NORC's clients include government agencies, educational institutions, foundations, other nonprofit organizations, and private corporations. Although NORC's national studies are its most well-known, our projects range from local to regional and international.

NORC creates unique value for its clients by developing effective, innovative solutions that combine state-of-the-art technology with high quality social science research in the public interest.

Our project work is interdisciplinary, with strong staff cooperation across substantive and operational areas.  And NORC is an equal opportunity employer, committed to facilitating the personal and professional development of everyone on our staff.