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Penny Parker


After six years as a business writer at The Denver Post, Parker opted to cross Colfax and join the Rocky as the On the Town columnist. Parker's background includes seven years as a feature writer at The (Everett) Herald, a Washington Post-owned newspaper in Washington state, and a short stint as managing editor for two weeklies near Bellevue, Wash. As a feature writer, she won numerous awards, as well as a Society of Business Editors and Writers award for business writing. Parker is a California native and graduate of San Francisco State University.

Parker also has a blog, which you can read here: Penny Parker - On the Town

Recent stories

PARKER: Cady crew steers for Cowboy Bar

January 16, 2009

Lew Cady, the lovable leader who trudges our troupe on our annual National Western Stock Show tour, said this year's look-see was in keeping with the lean economic times.

PARKER: Wedding plans go up in smoke

January 14, 2009

Tavern titan Frank Schultz almost had the wedding that wasn't. A not-so-funny thing happened when Schultz and his Brazilian beauty fiancee, Carolina Fioravanti, arrived at their wedding location - the Cheeca Lodge & Spa in the Florida Keys on New Year's Day for a reception food tasting.

PARKER: Morreale scores inaugural invite

January 14, 2009

Schmooze you lose? Not if you're Denver restaurant and bar owner Jesse Morreale, who has snagged a big-time invite to The Creative Coalition's Inaugural Ball Jan. 20 in Washington, D.C. It will feature performances by Elvis Costello, Sting and legendary rocker Sam Moore.

PARKER: Possible Obama chef has lots of work on his plate

January 9, 2009

Denver chef Daniel Young is firming up his plans for cooking in Washington, D.C., during President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration.

PARKER: Understudies save the day

January 9, 2009

After the opening night performance of The Color Purple Wednesday at the Buell Theatre, audience members were heard yelling, "encore" and "more." In all the zillions of Denver Center performances I've attended over the years, that was a first.

PARKER: Broncos' coach search is good biz for Del's

January 8, 2009

When it comes to all things Broncos off the field, you can depend on Del Frisco's Double Eagle Steak House.

PARKER: Signs still point to Shanahan's

January 7, 2009

The gridiron gabbers have spoken. I asked you last week, dear readers, if you think former Broncos coach Mike Shanahan's name should stay on the under-construction steak house at 5085 S. Syracuse St. in the Tech Center.

PARKER: Chef Bonanno's new noodle eatery opens

January 6, 2009

If you hear the name Bones for a restaurant you think ribs, right? Well, there's no bones about Bones, two-time Food Network Challenge-winning chef Frank Bonanno's new noodle joint nestled between his eateries Mizuna and Luca D'Italia on Seventh Avenue and Grant Street.

PENNY: Personal, political resolutions ring out

January 3, 2009

Now that it appears he's not bound for the U.S. Senate, Mayor John Hickenlooper may be able to keep his New Year's resolutions. Hick, along with other bold-face names and Rocky readers, was kind enough to answer my request for 2009 goals.

PARKER: Bride atwitter at avian nuptials

December 31, 2008

BIRD WORDS: The bride was atwitter ,and the groom hopped around nervously as the couple waited for Mayor John Hickenlooper to start a ceremony to join their feathers in matrimonial bliss Tuesday afternoon in the lobby of the Oxford Hotel.

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