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Food Keeper

About the Food Keeper

Supermarkets today have an amazing array of fresh, frozen and prepared foods. Your store maintains rigid quality assurance and sanitation standards to make sure you always receive fresh, wholesome and safe food products.

After selecting food items, though, it's up to you to take care of them properly. The Food Keeper contains valuable food safety and storage advice to help you maintain the freshness and quality of foods that you purchase.

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Information is available on the proper storage and handling of shelf stable foods, food purchased frozen, foods purchased refrigerated, bakery items and fresh produce.

Additional Information

General Information Includes information on filling your cart at the supermarket, handling foods safely at home, maintaining food temperatures, food product dating, baby foods and expiration dates
Refrigerating Your Food Information on temperature and storage for refrigerated items
Freezing Food Information on packaging, freezer burn and defrosting frozen food items
Pantry Storage Information on temperatures, low-acid canned goods, high-acid canned goods and canned hams

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