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745 Winding Trail
Holly Lake Ranch
Texas 75755

Tel: (903) 769-2267
Fax: (903) 769-2867


What's IPATA?

An international network of pet relocation specialists and goods and services providers working together to provide professional pet transportation services worldwide.

animal handlers pet moving providers
boarding kennels freight forwarders
veterinarians quarantine operators
insurance airlines
port holding facilities suppliers of goods to the
pet shipping industry
Why do you need IPATA?

  • Access to an international network of professionals to assist in providing quality service to your clients both at the point of departure and the final destination.

  • Increased exposure both within IPATA's network and to the general public through your company listing in IPATA's Membership Directory and links from IPATA's website to your email address and/or home page.

    A frequent question is "Why should I join IPATA when I have your entire membership list on the Internet?"

    The answer: "Yes, as a non-member, you can use our members to provide services to your clients. But without being a member, your company is not part of our international network. Our members can't find YOU to use YOUR services . . . and the general public won't find your company listed on-line as part of an internationally recognized organization of professional pet shippers!"

    Remember: One job pays your IPATA dues for an entire year!

  • Access to the Members Only Section (MOS) of IPATA's website which contains an on-line Reference Library of pet shipping tips, country requirements, guidelines, a database of destination agents and other helpful information as shared by other professional pet shippers.

  • Member of IPATA's Group Email List - an on-line email network for sharing airline or country regulation changes, requests for assistance in locating a local agent at the point of origin or destination, and other industry related information.

  • Recognition as part of an internationally recognized professional organization and authorization to use IPATA's logo on your promotional materials.

  • Discounted registration fees at IPATA's annual conference and training seminars as well as reciprocal discounted registration fees at AATA's annual conference (The Animal Transportation Association).
  ~ ~ One IPATA Member Speaks Out ~ ~



Manoir Kanisha, we have been IPATA members for many years. We have noticed that about 25% of our pet relocation projects are initiated by other IPATA members. They hire us to assist them in Montreal where we are located.  We also use the assistance of other IPATA members in about 50% of our own Manoir Kanisha pet relocation projects involving remote destinations with complex logistics.  This international network of professional pet relocators assists us at origin city, in transit cities (for a necessary comfort stop between flights) and at destination cities (for Agriculture inspection, Customs clearing, overnight boarding if required, and in many instances to do home delivery of the pet).  They also answer my questions about the documentary requirements of their specific countries and airports. 

IPATA also provides a Yahoo E-Mail Group dedicated for questions. I have learned so much from reading the various answers written from our IPATA colleagues.  I file these answers on a daily basis.  Should you have a problem, you can also send your question that is read and answered by various members.  Invariably another member has had the necessary experience to assist with a particular problem.  We use it on a regular basis. This is most valuable.

The IPATA yearly convention allows you to meet other new as well as more experienced pet relocators.  You learn so much from the lectures and all the relocators present at this annual activity, as well as being able to ‘put a face to the name’ and expand your own essential network of professional colleagues.   

Nicole MacDuff, Président
175 Jenkins ave, Dorval (MONTRÉAL)
(Québec) Canada   H9P 2W6
Tél. : 514-631-1755  
Fax  : 514-636-1203


Active Members

for those actively involved in shipping pets as part of their business.
Associate Members

for those that provide goods and services to the pet shipping industry (for example: kennel manufacturers and suppliers; airlines; insurance companies; airport holding and quarantine facilities)
Active Membership Requirements
and Application Form
Associate Membership Requirements
and Application Form
ACTIVE membership application fees:
Non-refundable application fee:


Annual dues:(*)


ASSOCIATE membership application fees:
Non-refundable application fee:


Annual dues: (*)


(*) Dues will be pro-rated from the date of the application to the end of the current year.  Thereafter, the $225 annual dues payment will be due Dec 31 of each year.

For credit card payments, the non-refundable application fee will not be charged until it has been determined that all information requested in the application has been received. Payment for the annual membership dues* will not be processed until after the application has been approved by the Membership Commmittee.

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