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  47. Stahl, A., Oxley, P., Berntman, M., & Lind, L. (1998). “The Use of Vision Enhancements to Assist Elderly Drivers.” Paper presented at Premier Congres Mondial sur les Application Telematiques aux Transports, Paris, France.

  48. Zwahlen, H.T., & Schnell, T. (1997). “Driver Eye-Scanning Behavior as Function of Pavement Marking Configuration.” Transportation Research Record, 1605, 62–72.

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  54. Sivak, M., & Flannagan, M. (1993). “Vehicle Headlamps and Signal Lamps Design.” In B. Peacock & W. Karwowski (Eds.), Automotive Ergonomics (pp. 185–204). London : Taylor & Francis.

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  56. Fast, P.T., & Ricksand, A. (1993). Safer Nighttime Driving: UV-Headlamps Improve Visibility Of Pedestrians. Paper presented at SIA 8th Congres Mondial, Paris .

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  63. Mortimer, R.G. (1997). “Some Errors in the Application of Human Factors Data in Traffic Safety: Actual and Potential Problems.” In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, 185–198.

  64. Barham, P., Oxley, P., & Alexander, J. (1998). “Evaluation of the Human Factors Implications of Jaguar’s First Prototype Near Infrared Night Vision System.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, 167–171.

  65. Bossi, L., Ward, N., & Parkes, A. (1994). “The Effect of Simulated Vision Enhancement Systems on Driver Peripheral Target Detection and Identification.” In Proceedings of the 12th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, 192–195.

  66. Ward, N., Stapleton, L., & Parkes, A. (1994). Behavioral and Cognitive Impact of Nighttime Driving with HUD Contact Analogue Infrared Imaging (Paper No. 94-S2-0-04). Paper presented at the XIVth International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles.

  67. Gish, K.W., Staplin, L.K., & Perel, M. (1999). “Human Factors Issues Related to the Use of Vision Enhancement Systems.” In Proceedings of the 78th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington , DC: Transportation Research Board.

  68. Bossi, L. (1997). “The Effect of Vision Enhancement Systems on Driver Peripheral Visual Performance.” Ergonomics and Safety of Intelligent Driver Interfaces. Mahwah , NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

  69. Collins, D.J., Neale, V.L., & Dingus, T.A. (1999). “Driver Performance when Using an In-Vehicle Signing Information System Considering Adverse Weather, Visibility Condition, and Age.” In Proceedings of the 9th ITS America Meeting. Washington , DC : ITSA.

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  72. Khattak, A.J., Koppelman, F.S., & Schofer, J.L. (1993). “Automobile Commuters’ Response to Adverse Weather: Effect of Weather and Traffic Information and Implications for Information Systems (Paper No. 930049).” In Proceedings of the 72nd annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington , DC: Transportation Research Board.

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