David Horsey's Drawing Power
Obama Begins: Reports from Washington, D.C.
Can Obama measure up to Abe and FDR?
A few days before I left Seattle, I had lunch with Frank Greer at a window-side table looking out on chilly Lake Union and a sullen gray sky. Greer was ...
On to the inauguration
When the going gets tough, the tough get out of town.
The day the globe stood still
Friday, January 9th, was the day I didn't believe would ever come.
Readers, welcome to the next year
First, let me thank you for making the first year of a smashing success.
My favorite cartoons of the year
It's not always the most edifying experience to look back over a year of cartoons. At least not if you are the cartoonist.
The upside of snow
Calamity for some is opportunity for others -- as I said in my Tuesday cartoon.
Bush's Beltway Armageddon
George W. Bush has been a gift to editorial cartoonists for most of a decade, but at a high cost to the country.
Lifting weights, throwing shoes
Three or four times a week at lunch hour, I leave the office, cross the street and keep an appointment with a guy who makes me lift very heavy objects ...
Bailing out my bailout cartoon
If you were watching closely, you saw two versions of my cartoon on the auto industry bailout on December 12th.
What do YOU think? Is Bush the worst?
I'm at home today with a sore throat that makes me sound like a particularly large bullfrog.l
Oops! Wrong copyright date
Some eagle-eyed readers noticed that the copyright date on my Christmas shopping cartoon read 2006 and wondered if it was an oldie.
And the other inspiration: Playboy
There was once a time when Playboy magazine wasn't hidden away behind a counter or wrapped in plastic. It was on the rack with all the other magazines ...
MAD magazine, my early influence
A couple of readers have asked if my drawing style was influenced by MAD magazine. Can there be any doubt?
A post-racial president?
It is to state the obvious to say Barack Obama is of mixed race.
I'm back with four "Encore" cartoons
Given the lack of activity on in recent days, you may have figured out I was on vacation.
The Circuit City syndrome
Just because corporate bosses make more money doesn't mean they aren't idiots.
Oswald did it
I have too little faith in the capacity of human beings to keep secrets and organize every detail of a complicated enterprise to give much credence to ...
More cartoon galleries
In case you hadn't noticed, I've put up three new galleries of cartoons in recent days.
Election night inspiration
After finishing my cartoon and turning out a blog post on election night, I headed downtown to see how Seattle's bluer-than-blue Democrats were celebrating ...
How to draw a post-Election Day cartoon
Mark Trahant, the P-I's editorial-page editor, interviewed David Horsey -- on video -- while he was drawing his cartoon for Nov. 5, 2008.
Lincoln's dream fulfilled
This morning, as I signed in at my precinct to vote, I felt tears gathering in my eyes. I blame it on Abraham Lincoln.
The greatest campaign
I don't know what I'll do to entertain myself now that the presidential campaign has come to an end.
Anthrax at the P-I?
I drove out of the underground garage at the Post-Intelligencer building Wednesday night and found police blocking the street, firetrucks at the front ...
Prediction: President Obama
A year ago, I was sitting around with a group of friends playing the game of predicting who would be the next president. I predicted Barack Obama.
Traitors to democracy
Hey, did you hear that Barack Obama wants to change the national anthem and redesign the American flag to promote better relations with our enemies?
Recent Editorial Cartoons
Horsey Store

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