Americas | 01/13/09
President Calderón is leading a drive to make Mexico's government more efficient, starting with nearly $40,000 in awards for the best stories of bloated bureaucracy.
Daily Update > Terrorism & Security | 01/15/09
A US official says released detainees are taking up arms against the US.
Americas | 01/09/09
In an abrupt turn, the Venezuelan president reinstated the program two days after its suspension.
Americas | 01/08/09
Freedom of press is under siege in Mexico. Calls grow for a new law to make such attacks on the media a federal crime.
Americas | 01/08/09
Amid a bid for reelection, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez's oil subsidy and antipoverty programs may be on the chopping block.
Americas | 01/07/09
A sharp drop in oil prices is forcing the country to reduce government spending.

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The best photos from Jan. 15, 2009

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