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Poll Date
Which is your favorite "Albert's Ugly Tie?” 1/13/2009
What do you think of WVU's Joe Alexander being picked 8th in the NBA Draft? 6/27/2008
Where in the NBA Draft do you think WVU's Joe Alexander will be picked? 6/25/2008
What do you think the weather pattern will be for the rest of the summer? 6/14/2008
Did WVU President Mike Garrison make the right decision by resigning? 6/6/2008
Do you plan to vote in Tuesday's Primary Election? 5/12/2008
How do you feel about the Heather Bresch Controversy? 4/28/2008
What do you think of Joe Alexander's decision to the test the NBA waters? 4/10/2008
What is your opinion on wind farms? 2/15/2008
What do you think the Public Service Commission should do about WV's new area code? 2/11/2008
What do you think of WVU's football recruiting class? 2/7/2008
Do you think it was a good idea for the state Repulican Party to hold its convention Tuesday? 2/5/2008
Were you suprised by anything in Rich Rodriguez's response to WVU's lawsuit? 2/2/2008
Will French Creek Freddie see his shadow on Saturday? 2/1/2008
Do you think Rich Rodriguez's offer to pay WVU $1.5 Million is fair? 1/30/2008
Do you believe race played a role in the search for WVU's football coaching position? 1/21/2008
Should WVU's lawsuit against Rich Rodriguez be moved to Federal Court? 1/16/2008
Did Steve Slaton make the right decision to declare for the NFL Draft? 1/14/2008
How do you feel about WVU's hiring of assistant coaches Steve Dunlap, David Lockwood and Chris Beatty? 1/11/2008
Are you surprised that so many WVU assistant coaches have also left? 1/7/2008
How is your Christmas Shopping Going? 12/7/2007
What is your prediction for the Backyard Brawl? 11/26/2007
What do you do on "Black Friday"? 11/23/2007
What do you do for hunting season? 11/19/2007
With new coach Bob Huggins, what is your interest level in the WVU Men's Basketball team? 11/14/2007
What is Veteran's Day to you? 11/12/2007
Were you affected by the chemical tanker accident on Interstate 68? 11/9/2007
Which best describes you about the Mountaineers game against Louisville? 11/9/2007
How do weeknight Mountaineer games affect your plans? 11/6/2007
How Do You Feel About the Supreme Court's Decision on the Martinsburg HS Football Team? 11/2/2007
How do you think the Mountaineers will finish the season? 10/29/2007
With the recent rash of threats at local schools, do you feel safe sending your child to school? 10/17/2007
What do you think about Allegheny Power's Proposed Transmission Line? 10/10/2007
Which of these weekend events did you attend? 10/8/2007
What do you think of the recent weather? 10/4/2007
Will WVU's loss to South Florida keep you from attending any future games this season? 10/1/2007
Would you like to see Morgantown's Beechurst Ave. widened? 9/24/2007
With all of the recent construction falls, do you feel safe at your job? 9/19/2007
Did the jury return the correct verdict in the Ronald Schleger Murder Trial? 9/12/2007
Do you think your child is getting a nutritional lunch at school? 9/6/2007
What do you plan to do this Labor Day Weekend? 8/30/2007
What are you most excited about this fall? 8/23/2007
Should schools be expected to provide all needed school supplies for students? 8/17/2007
Do you feel safe when driving across bridges in your area? 8/2/2007
In light of the wreck that killed 5 people in Monongalia Co., do WV's drunk driving laws need to be changed? 7/10/2007
What should the federal government do about illegal immigration on our nation’s southern border? 6/14/2007
Do you think West Virginia's graduating seniors have a bright future to look forward to in this state? 5/24/2007
Is West Virginia on the right track for recruiting new business to the Mountain State? 5/16/2007
Do you think security at local schools is adequate? 5/1/2007
Have you had problems finding childcare for your children? 4/30/2007
Do you think WVU should have lowered the amount of John Beilein's buyout? 4/26/2007
Will rising gas prices change any of your spring and summer travel plans? 4/25/2007
Did you participate in any Earth Day events? 4/24/2007
Have you cut your grass yet this year? 4/19/2007
Are you concerned about safety on college and university campuses in West Virginia? 4/17/2007
Did the West Virginia University Board of Governors make the right choice in electing Mike Garrison to be the school's next president? 4/13/2007
What do you think of the decision to schedule kickoff for the Friends of Coal Bowl at 11:10am? 4/13/2007
How did you or how will you file your tax returns this year? 4/11/2007
Do you feel that the NFL's punishment of Pacman Jones & Chris Henry is justified? 4/10/2007
Are you happy that Bob Huggins is the new WVU basketball coach? 4/5/2007
Who do you think should be WVU's next basketball coach? 4/4/2007
Is it fair for only the residents of the four counties with race tracks casinos (Hancock, Ohio, Jefferson and Kanawha) be allowed to vote on whether to allow table games? 3/28/2007
What is your favorite season? 3/23/2007
Have you spent time at work following post-season college basketball this month? 3/21/2007
Did West Virginia teachers in 14 counties who walked out on March 14 do the right thing? 3/14/2007
What level of teacher pay increase would you support? 3/7/2007
What grade would you give the West Virginia Legislature for the 2007 session so far? 2/28/2007
Should a victim's sexual orientation be considered in criminal sentencing in West Virginia? 2/21/2007
Do you believe humans contribute to global warming? 2/14/2007
How would you rate the response from road crews to the recent snow and ice? 2/7/2007
Would table games be good for West Virginia’s economy? 1/31/2007
Would you support proposed legislation that would limit the number of firearms West Virginians could buy each month? 1/22/2007
Should sixth-grade girls in West Virginia be required to be immunized against a kind of sexually transmitted disease linked to cervical cancer? 1/17/2007
What should the top priority be for the West Virginia Legislature this year? 1/10/2007
Do you believe West Virginia coal mines are safer now than one year ago? 1/3/2007
For West Virginia, do you think that 2007 will be better than 2006, worse than 2006 or about the same as 2006? 12/20/2006
Compared to last season, is this year's Christmas season: 12/11/2006
Should mine operators be subject to criminal penalties for safety violations? 11/29/2006
What is the most important thing you consider when making a vehicle purchase? 11/19/2006
Should unhealthful foods be taxed at a higher rate? 11/15/2006
How would you describe your reaction to the results of this mid-term election? 11/7/2006
Will you vote a straight ticket in this year’s general election? 11/1/2006
Do you read or write blogs? 10/25/2006
Should West Virginia public school teachers be drug tested? 10/22/2006
How did you obtain your most recent pet? 10/19/2006
How prepared are you for a potential epidemic? 10/19/2006
Since the No Call List was activated, how many nuisance calls have you received? 10/19/2006
How will negative political ads effect your vote in November? 10/19/2006
Do you believe global warming is affecting weather in our region? 10/19/2006
How does our current state administration fair against the previous administration? 10/19/2006
How did you take your most recent vacation? 10/19/2006
What’s your take on the impact of Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship’s anti-incumbent effort in the West Virginia Legislature this election? 10/11/2006
Do you think West Virginia needs a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage? 10/4/2006
How do you feel about smoking bans? 9/27/2006
Are you concerned about fan conduct at West Virginia University home football games? 9/20/2006
Have gas prices gone down enough to ease your burden a little? 9/13/2006
Do you plan to make a campaign contribution this election? 9/6/2006
How would you rate WVU President David Hardesty’s performance? 8/23/2006
Do you think air travel is safe? 8/15/2006
Does West Virginia have enough hospitals to meet the health care needs of the population? 8/2/2006
What impact will President Bush’s vist to West Virginia July 26 have on the November election? 7/26/2006
Would you support U.S. military intervention in the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict? 7/18/2006
Do you agree with the U.S. Senate's decision to not endorse an amendment outlawing flag burning? 6/28/2006
Should West Virginia reinstate the death penalty? 6/20/2006
Should West Virginia repeal its motorcycle helmet law? 6/14/2006
Is West Virginia’s state government too big, just right or too small? 6/6/2006
How would you rate job opportunities for recent graduates in West Virginia? 5/30/2006
Would you support a lower speed limit on interstate highways in exchange for better fuel efficiency? 5/23/2006
Do you think National Guard troops should patrol U.S. borders? 5/15/2006
Did you vote in this year’s primary election in West Virginia? 5/10/2006
How confident are you that West Virginia’s primary election May 9 will go smoothly? 5/2/2006
Has the increased price at the pump altered your travel plans so far? 4/25/2006
Early voting has begun in West Virginia. Do you plan to vote early? 4/17/2006
Are you concerned about the national coverage surrounding U.S. Rep. Alan Mollohan? 4/10/2006
Will allegations of steroid use taint your interest in Major League Baseball this season? 4/4/2006
Should illegal immigrants be arrested and deported? 3/28/2006
Would you support your town and county merging some government functions? 3/22/2006
How far will the WVU Mountaineers make it in the NCAA men’s basketball tournament? 3/14/2006
Would you favor doubling the sentences for those who commit sex crimes against children? 3/7/2006
Should the minimum wage be raised? 2/28/2006
Do West Virginia’s legislators deserve a pay raise? 2/21/2006
Have you already filed your income taxes? 2/14/2006
Are you closely monitoring this year’s Legislative session? 2/7/2006
Who should replace Delegate Robert S. Kiss, D-Raleigh, as Speaker of the House? 1/31/2006
Do you have confidence in the mining safety bill passed by the West Virginia Legislature? 1/24/2006
Would you vote for table games? 1/16/2006
Are West Virginia's coal mines safe? 1/10/2006
Do you think the upcoming session of the West Virginia Legislature will be productive? 1/2/2006
How do you feel about New Year's resolutions? 12/20/2005
Compared to last year, have you given more or less to charitable organizations? 12/13/2005
Will you travel to Atlanta to watch WVU play in the Nokia Sugar Bowl? 12/5/2005
Do you plan to do more holiday shopping online this year than in previous years? 11/28/2005
How far will you travel for the Thanksgiving holiday? 11/21/2005
If you are 65 years of age or older, do you plan to apply for new Medicare prescription benefits? 11/14/2005
How much do you spend on limited video lottery machines per month? 11/7/2005
Do you think that President Bush’s nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court is: 11/1/2005
How are your preparing for high utility bills in the upcoming winter? 10/25/2005
Does your doctor's office use electronic medical records? 10/18/2005
Will you be getting a flu shot this year? 10/10/2005
With the Powerball jackpot approaching $200 million, do you plan to play? 10/4/2005
Should U.S. Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va, run for U.S. Senate? 9/26/2005
What should the Legislature focus on next year? 9/19/2005
After Katrina, how confident are you that federal officials can respond to major flooding in WV? 9/12/2005
Should President Bush rescind his tax cuts to help pay for hurricane recovery efforts? 9/7/2005
Should West Virginia encourage Hurricane Katrina evacuees to relocate here permanently? 9/6/2005
When should the Legislature vote on allowing table games like poker and blackjack at WV racetracks? 8/29/2005
What should West Virginia do with the 6% sales tax on food? 8/22/2005
What changes should the state make to the PROMISE scholarship program? 8/17/2005
How much higher do you think gasoline prices will rise this year? 8/15/2005
Which should WV adopt: A once-monthly food tax holiday or a 1 percentage point cut in the food tax? 8/8/2005
Should teachers in the Eastern Panhandle make more than those in the rest of the state? 8/1/2005
Should alcohol be allowed at some private events in West Virginia state parks? 7/25/2005
Should West Virginia keep or repeal its mandatory helmet law for motorcyclists? 7/18/2005
Do you think the BRAC Commission will let the 130th Airlift Wing keep its planes at Yeager Airport? 7/11/2005
Do you trust President Bush to make the right choice for the U.S. Supreme Court? 7/5/2005
Will higher gas prices change your travel plans for the Fourth of July weekend? 6/27/2005
Do you support the ruling that gave custody of a W.Va. boy to his dead mother's lesbian partner? 6/20/2005
Do you support the plan to issue $5.5 billion in bonds and invest the revenue to pay pension debts? 6/13/2005
If the 2006 election for U.S. Senate were held today, for whom would you vote? 6/6/2005
How much have you heard about the June 25 vote on a $5.5 billion bond issue? 5/30/2005
Do you plan to travel over Memorial Day weekend? 5/27/2005
Should pit bulls be banned in West Virginia cities? 5/19/2005
WVU and Marshall won't play football in 2005. But if they did, which team would win? 5/17/2005
Do you agree with the Pentagon's plan to close 3 W.Va. bases and move C-130s out of Yeager Airport? 5/13/2005
How worried are you about the threat of flooding to your town this year? 5/12/2005
What is the most you ever paid for a month of cell phone service? 5/10/2005
Who should be hired on The Apprentice? 5/3/2005
Do you support President Bush's new plan on Social Security? 4/28/2005
Have you filed your income tax returns yet? 4/10/2005
Have rising gasoline prices changed your driving habits? 4/5/2005
Are you concerned about the increase in video gambling parlors in West Virginia? 3/28/2005
Do you think a federal judge should reverse the decision not to feed Terry Schiavo? 3/21/2005
Do you think auto insurance rates will drop if legislators limit lawsuits against insurers? 3/18/2005
How far will WVU go in the NCAA Tournament? 3/15/2005
Now that Bob Pruett has retired, how many football games do you think Marshall will win in 2005? 3/9/2005
How often do you play a video slot machine in West Virginia? 3/7/2005
Should West Virginia racetracks be allowed to offer table games like poker and blackjack? 3/2/2005
Should W.Va. border cities be allowed to tax the income of anyone who works in those cities? 2/26/2005
Do you plan on attending a baseball game at the new Appalachian Power Park? 2/21/2005
Should West Virginia make it illegal for drivers to talk on hand-held cell phones? 2/15/2005
Should West Virginia raise sales taxes on tobacco and alcohol to pay for public health research? 2/10/2005
How serious a problem is methadone abuse in West Virginia? 2/7/2005
Should West Virginia reinstate the death penalty? 2/1/2005
Who do you think will win the Super Bowl? 1/23/2005

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