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Written by Embassy Publisher   
Wednesday, 03 October 2007

In recent years the Brazilian government has increased its efforts to improve the dissemination of information on the Brazilian economy. Up-to-date statistics, reports, press releases and studies are now available from many information sources. Below you will find links to some of the main Brazilian government institutions that provide economic and financial information in English.

The Brazilian Central Bank

The Brazilian Central Bank is a source of key financial data, reports, bulletins and studies on many aspects of the Brazilian economy. In the Economic and Financial Information section of its website, you can access statistical data, outlook indicators, and economic and financial reports, including press releases on recent economic developments and studies covering key issues, such as inflation targeting, the exchange rate regime, fiscal policy and financial and banking regulations.

Moreover, a valuable source of information on the current Brazilian macroeconomic situation is the Meeting Minutes of the Central Bank Monetary Policy Committee – COPOM, which is the monetary policymaking body of the Central Bank. The minutes present a review of the economic environment, covering topics that include: the level of economic activity, inflation, monetary indicators, fiscal accounts, the balance of payments, international reserve operations, domestic money markets, and open market operations.

The Central Bank also offers a mailing list subscription service, for those who wish to receive its Focus Report, which contains technical notes on various economic issues, as well as statistics, surveys and market expectation reports.

Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) is the main provider of statistical data on Brazil. Its website provides data on the country’s geography and population, as well as indicators of the national accounts, inflation, industrial and agricultural production, employment trends, trade, etc. For press releases with updated information on all these indices, check the news section of the website.

Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA)

The Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA) is a public foundation under the Brazilian Ministry of Planning. Its main purpose is to conduct research to be applied in the design and development of public policies. It provides a database called Ipeadata with more than 2,500 Brazilian macroeconomic time series. The subjects covered include: balance of payments, consumption, employment, exchange rates, trade, interest rates, international economics, money and credit, national accounts, population, prices, production, public sector finance, social indicators, wages and income.

National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES)

The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) , which is the primary federal agency for long-term financing, offers on its website an Overview of the Brazilian Economy, as well as statistics on macroeconomic and social indicators.

In its publications section, it provides access to a quarterly report called “BNDES News,” a periodically updated economic bulletin, and various studies of the industrial sector, microfinance, infrastructure, privatization and others topics.
Last Updated ( Monday, 26 November 2007 )

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