Privacy policy

This privacy statement sets forth the privacy practices of

Here is what we do:

We will collect and store information that you provide when you register, when you respond to surveys or contests, or when you purchase something from us. If you register for a special event like the Deseret News Marathon, we will provide that information to the event organizers.

We also create logs that track usage of our Web site. These logs do not have personal identifying information. For example, we might report the percentage of users who live in Salt Lake County, or who are female, or who have a certain type of Internet browser. We use this information for promotional and marketing purposes and may provide it to advertisers.

If you participate in some of the Web site's features, such as message boards or opinion polls, we may ask you for certain personal information to access the feature.

We will send a cookie to your computer. This is a computer code sequence that will allow your computer to log onto our site more easily in the future. It stores information that allows you to access features like personalized headlines and subscription-only services. It also may track the types of pages, articles and advertising you view while visiting the Deseret News' Web sites. The Deseret News will not use a cookie to obtain or store personal information that you do not voluntarily submit.

We will clearly label any advertising on our site. Some of the ads may contain cookies from third parties, advertisers, clients or agencies. We do not have access to the information collected by these cookies. Please contact the advertiser for more information.

If you use one of our subscription-only services, such as the LDS Church News or extended archive access, we will ask for information for billing purposes and to track usage. We'll issue you a private password that you would use to gain access to that area.

We may forward information on purchases to a third party to process credit-card information or to fill orders.

We will collect, store and use information for journalistic purposes.

Here is what we will not do:

We will not collect personal information from you while you use our Web site unless you specifically provide it.

We will not provide personal information about you to entities that are not associated with Deseret Management Corp. or with our business agent, the Newspaper Agency Corp., except for the reasons we listed above, by court order, or unless you allow it. We do not otherwise share this personal information with our advertisers.

Third parties and children

We wish all third parties that have links to or from the Deseret News would follow similar privacy policies. However, we have no control over these third parties and can not be held responsible for any of their actions or policies. If you are concerned about privacy, you should check each site's policy statement.
Likewise, we encourage children to ask for parental consent before they send any personal information about themselves to us or anyone else over the Internet.
Our advertising agent, the Newspaper Agency Corporation, serves ads to this site. To find out more about the privacy of information in conjunction with serving ads on this site, please refer to the NAC's 2004 Internet Advertising Policy.

A final word

This privacy policy applies only to information we collect from users of It of course does not necessarily apply to information we collect in the news-gathering process or that we obtain from public databases.
Any information you disclose when posting a message in one of our forums becomes public.
