Accessibility Information

The Arizona State Parks website follows the guidelines dictated in Arizona's Government Information Technology Agency's (GITA) Statewide Policy called Website Accessibility, the purpose of which is to establish a statewide policy that provides an accessibility model for the development and implementation of Arizona State government websites that minimizes technical barriers to accessibility for individuals with disabilities. We also attempt to meet national 508 Web Content Accessibility Standards.

Valid RSS Feeds External Link Valid RSS Feeds

Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional External Link Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional page code

Valid CSS External Link Valid CSS Level 2.1 screen & print style sheets

A few examples are noted below:

Keyboard Navigation

This site can be navigated entirely using only a keyboard.

Navigational Menus / Skip Link

Both of the repetitive Main Navigational Buttons and the Interlink Parks Box can be skipped using the Skip link.

Increasing Text Size

To increase the text size of the web pages follow these browser specific directions:
Safari External Link : View Menu > Make Text Bigger
Firefox External Link : View Menu > Text Size > Increase
Internet Explorer External Link : View Menu > Text Size

Access Keys

Access Keys, which allow a computer user to immediately jump to a specific part of a web page via the keyboard, have been assigned for the main Navigational Menu.

Typically, you need to press a keyboard key + the Access Key to make the Access Key function. The key you need to press will change depending upon your computer, your internet browser, and other factors. Typically, to utilize the access key press the ALT key on a PC, and the CONTROL key on a Macintosh computer. You may also have to turn on the Access Key functionality in your browser's preferences.

Accesskey "1" = Returns User to Arizona State Parks home page.

Each of the Parks has a Photo Gallery. Access Keys have also been assigned to aid keyboard navigation of the galleries.

Accesskey "N" = Goes to the Next photo
Accesskey "P" = Goes to the Previous photo
Accesskey "I" = Returns to the Photo Gallery Index

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

This site uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to control the look and layout of the fonts. However, the user is free to substitute their own CSS. Additionally, the website still functions without the use of the CSS file.

High Contrast and Accessible Layout Views

The free Opera External Link web browser provides built in style sheets that allow you to see the site in both a High Contrast (B/W) and High Contrast (W/B) versions. It also allows you to see an Accessible Layout version of the site. To enable launch the Opera browser select the View Menu > Style > Then choose a preferred style.

Contact Us

Arizona State Parks is committed to providing access to our information to a wide range or users. Please contact us if you experience any problems while exploring our site. Thank you.

Internet Browsers

It is generally best to keep your website browser up-to-date. The minimum screen size needed to experience the Arizona State Parks website is 800 x 600 pixels. This site has been tested at that size and larger. We have tested this website with the following web browsers:

Mac OS 10.4.11 Firefox
Mac OS 10.4.11 Safari 3.1.2
Mac OS 10.4.11 Opera 9.24
Windows XP SP2 Firfox 3.0.1
Windows XP SP2 Safari 3.1.1
Windows XP SP2 Opera 9.52
Windows XP SP2 Internet Explorer 7
Windows XP SP2 Internet Explorer 8 Beta
Windows XP SP2 Google Chrome

Known Bugs and Web Issues

Read list of of know bugs and web issues