FOIA Appeals
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Any person denied access to Board records requested pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) may file a written appeal with the Board, as follows:
The appeal must prominently display the phrase
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT APPEAL on the first page and must be addressed to the Freedom of Information Office, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th & Constitution, NW, Washington, DC 20551; or sent by facsimile to the Freedom of Information Office (202) 872-7565.
The appeal must be filed within 10 working days of the date on which the denial was issued or the date on which documents in partial response to the request were transmitted to the requester, whichever is later.
The Board may consider an untimely appeal
if it is accompanied by a written request for leave to file an untimely
appeal; and the Board determines, in its discretion and for good and substantial
cause shown, that the appeal should be considered.
The Board will make a determination regarding
any appeal within 20 working days of actual receipt of the appeal by the
Freedom of Information Office, and the determination letter will notify
the appealing party of the right to seek judicial review.
The Board may reconsider a denial while an appeal is pending, if intervening circumstances or additional facts not known at
the time of the denial come to the attention of the Board.