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Weather's Effect on Grasshopper Populations

High populations of grasshoppers seen in some area locations last year raises concern that grasshoppers will become a problem again this year. Environmental conditions have tremendous impact on grasshopper population. Some of the impacts and their influence are summarized for reference.

Temperature Effects on Grasshoppers

High Temperatures in Summer - Fall
Early maturity of grasshoppers
Long egg laying period

Warm Spring

Early hatch, followed by:
< 70 F ------ No Feeding, High mortality
Warm & Dry -- Good start for hoppers
Winter temperatures have little affect

Rainfall Effects on Grasshoppers

Cloudy, Wet weather for 1+ weeks Prolonged wet period important
Promotes fungal pathogens of grasshoppers
Heavy rains during emergence Kills young grasshoppers
- embeds young hoppers in soil
- physically washes them away

Extreme drought

Poor egg hatch
Hoppers starve from lack of food
Low egg production by adults

Grasshopper Populations Decrease when . . .

Warm early spring
premature hatch
IF get a cold snap ... then, Poor development
Hot period in early spring . . .
promotes hatching
. . . followed by Cloudy, Wet weather
favors the occurrence of disease
Cool summer and Early Fall delays the maturity of the grasshoppers
shortens the time for egg laying

Grasshopper Populations Increase when . . .

Cool, Wet weather in early spring
prevents premature hatch
insures adequate food supply
Warm and Dry in late spring
promotes uniform hatching time
good weather conditions for feeding
Hot summer with adequate rainfall
provides good food supply
low incidence of disease

Late Fall

long egg laying period

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