Letters to the Editor | 01/16/09
Readers write about how President-elect Obama can solve America's trade problems, and why President Bush will leave a positive legacy in India.
Letters to the Editor | 01/15/09
Readers write about American guns in the hands of Mexican drug cartels, the roles of executive power and inalienable rights in the US, questions that should be asked about President Bush, and why Israel's attacks on Gaza are not war crimes.
Letters to the Editor | 01/13/09
Readers write about the core issue in Gaza, and why playing the blame game and war are both futile.
Letters to the Editor | 01/12/09
Readers write about teaching skills for the 21st century in school, America's continuing role as a major global power, and preventing politicians who commit felonies from keeping their government posts.
Letters to the Editor | 01/09/09
Readers write about why President Bush may not be given a lot of credit, the need for Nicaragua to work with international donors, and how the time has come for compassion in Gaza.
Letters to the Editor | 01/08/09
Readers write about whether or not the US should consider universal healthcare, lending money only to those who can demonstrate their ability to pay it back, and why Israel should give up its occupied lands.
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