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Conservation Overview
Stewardship Program
Delaware Bay Stewardship
Red Knot Campaign
Online Action Center
Conservation Reports
NJAS Opinions
Tools for Conservation
Threatened and Endangered Species
Foodshed Alliance

NJ Audubon Conservation Information

News and information from
New Jersey Audubon Society's Department of Conservation.

Photo: Kevin Karlson

Governer Corzine signed the horseshoe crab moratorium legislation on March 25, 2008.

Click Here to see NJ Audubon President Tom Gilmore's remarks at the signing ceremony.

Click here to read "Burden of Proof," an article by NJAS Vice President for Research and Monitoring, David S. Mizrahi, Ph.D., which summarizes the efforts made to preserve shorebirds and horseshoe crabs in Delaware Bay.

The New Jersey – Keep It Green! Campaign
Investing in Our Communities through Renewal of the Garden State Preservation Trust

New Jersey has been a national leader in preserving open space, historic sites and farmland over the past decade. However, the fund that makes us that leader – the Garden State Preservation Trust (GSPT) – is running out of money.  NJAS, through its work with the Outdoor Recreation Alliance, launched a campaign in November 2006 to call on the Legislature and the Governor to ensure passage of legislation by the end of March 2007 which resulted in a November 2007 ballot referendum to renew and strengthen the GSPT. To learn more about this,
click here.

NJAS Stewardship Program
Actively managing your property for wildlife can give you the personal satisfaction of conserving resources for present and future generations. In fact, most rare species in New Jersey are found on privately owned lands.  In New Jersey, wildlife is critically threatened by encroaching development and loss or fragmentation of habitat.

Verizon recently won the Governor’s Environmental Excellence Award for its habitat restoration work with the New Jersey Audubon Society.  Click Here for more information, and to view a video of the award presentation.

A new ecotourism and education project, the New Jersey Birding and Wildlife Trails Guides, is now available. Driving tours throughout the Delaware Bayshore and the Hackensack River Watershed can be accessed here .

Habitat Protection Rule Campaign
Overdevelopment threatens New Jersey’s wildlife and open spaces, particularly areas critical to the survival of threatened and endangered species. In order to ensure the immediate protection of this habitat, NJAS and a coalition of over 40 environmental and sportsmen’s groups, affordable housing advocates and environmental justice activists are calling for regulations to protect this critical habitat. We need your help to ensure the survival of our rare species.

Harmony Township Conservation Plan

NJAS is interested in working with both private landowners and the municipal government in Harmony to help preserve the Town’s agricultural culture and natural resources.

Click Here for more information and to sign up for our Get Active Action Center - a free e-mail subscription service to keep you better informed.

New Jersey's Forest Health is Threatened
Click on this link to read the Press Release, and for a link to download the Policy White Paper (in PDF format).

NJAS has launched the New Jersey  Important Bird and Birding Areas Program.  To find out more about this exciting new conservation initiative and to get involved, Click here.

Franklin Township

NJAS is partnering with Franklin Township, Somerset County to develop management and passive recreation plans for two natural areas. A variety of opportunities will be available free to the public to join NJAS in cataloging the area's rich biodiversity.  Click here to learn more about the Franklin Township project, their stewardship activities, and wildlife viewing opportunities.  Explore new hiking and wildlife viewing trails in Franklin Township with New Jersey Audubon Staff. 

New Jersey Audubon is partnering with the American Bird Conservancy on Cats Indoors! -- The Campaign for Safer Birds and Cats.

New Jersey Audubon Society is part of a coalition of groups working to address global warming and alternative energy sources.  Click here and see what New Jersey Audubon Society is doing about Global Warming.


Conservation Reports & Opinions


Periodic updates on conservation issues of national, state and local significance, and a chronicle of New Jersey Audubon Society conservation efforts.  Click Here for the current Report.

NJAS Opinions

Where does New Jersey Audubon stand on conservation issues? Here are our latest opinion statements, as well as an archive of past opinion statements. Click Here for the current Opinion statement.

Tools for Conservation

Click Here for ideas and suggestions of ways that all citizens can aid in conservation efforts.

Threatened and Endangered Species


Copyright © 2008 New Jersey Audubon Society
All rights reserved.