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Nemours Wildlife Foundation and Clemson University Host Bobwhite Project Field Day

Ernie Wiggers (Executive Director) of Nemours Wildlife Foundation and Greg Yarrow (Professor of Wildlife Ecology) of Clemson University Department of Forestry and Natural Resources hosted a USDA-NRCS/MSU Bobwhite Restoration Project Field Day on October 11, 2007. The “Managing Grasslands for Wildlife” field day featured an educational field tour held on Nemours Plantation in Seabrook, SC. Nemours Plantation is a nearly 10,000 acre tract in coastal South Carolina that is operated by the Nemours Wildlife Foundation. The Plantation houses a rich diversity of wildlife habitats and focuses on research and management using conservation practices to develop sustainable wildlife populations. Nemours Plantation is also the primary study site used in research evaluating bobwhite and grassland songbird response to various conservation programs, which is partially funded by the USDA-NRCS/MSU Bobwhite Restoration Project. The field tour included a visit to one of the project’s study sites, and presentations on the effects of prescribed burning, disking and herbicide on vegetation and bird abundance. The field tour also had a special featured presenter, Craig Harper (Associate Professor and Extension Wildlife Specialist) of University of Tennessee. Dr. Harper shared his insight on establishment and management of native warm season grasses. Other topics during the field tour included the importance and management of field borders, and available cost share programs for establishing conservation practices. Following the field tour, participants were treated to a delicious barbeque lunch provided by Jimmy Fitt’s Catering. After lunch, attendees were able to relax, mingle, and participate in small-group informal question and answer sessions. There were many natural resources professionals and private landowners in attendance from more than 4 states.

Download the Field Day agenda here.

For more information, contact:

Ernie Wiggers, Ph. D.
Nemours Wildlife Foundation
239 Stroban Rd.
Seabrook, SC 29940
Tel: 843-846-2539

Ernie Wiggers

Ernie Wiggers

Ernie Wiggers (Executive Director of Nemours Wildlife Foundation) provided a summary of the results of vegetation response to various conservation practices at the Nemours Wildlife Foundation/Clemson University “Managing Grasslands for Wildlife” Field Day.

Craig Harper

Craig Harper

Featured presenter Craig Harper (Associate Professor and Extension Wildlife Specialist at the University of Tennessee) discussed methods of establishment and management of native warm-season grasses and their benefits for wildlife populations.

Cory Heaton

Cory Heaton (Graduate Research Assistant at Clemson University) presented the results from his graduate research on quail and songbird response to various conservation practices on Nemours Plantation.


An example of management of native warm-season grasses for wildlife resulting in a diverse mix of grasses, forbs, and interspersed shrubs.

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