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Advance notice 4th quarter and full year results

17/12/2008   Advance notice 4th quarter and full year results

Thursday 29 January 2009 Royal Dutch Shell plc will release its fourth quarter and full year results and fourth quarter interim dividend announcement for 2008.

12/12/2008   Sakhalin II starts year-round oil export

Today Sakhalin Energy marked the commencement of year-round oil export from its new Oil Export Terminal, which was purpose built for the year-round export of oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG).

10/12/2008   Royal Dutch Shell completes sale of Dominican refinery

As part of an ongoing strategy of portfolio management, Shell Petroleum NV (Shell) has successfully completed the sale of its 50% shareholding in Refinería Dominicana de Petróleo, S.A. (REFIDOMSA), to the Government of the Dominican Republic.

08/12/2008   Essent and Shell take first step toward low-CO2 power plant

Essent Business Development B.V. (Essent) and Shell Gas & Power Developments B.V. (Shell) today agreed to study the feasibility of a 1,000-megawatt, low-CO2 power plant. Most of the CO2 produced by the plant would be captured and stored underground. Essent and Shell today signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the feasibility study.

04/12/2008   Royal Dutch Shell Board appoints new head of downstream

The Board of Royal Dutch Shell plc today announced that Mark Williams will take over the responsibilities of Rob Routs for the Oil Products, Chemicals and Oil Sands business, as Downstream Director and a member of the Executive Committee of Royal Dutch Shell.

See all 2008 media releases

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Group Media Relations deals with all media enquiries relating to the Group's corporate activities and its international businesses. It also handles all media enquiries about the businesses of Shell in the UK.