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Your emotions

Boost your self-confidence

photo of a teen girl
  • Think positive thoughts about yourself! Focus on your strengths – not your weaknesses. Realize that you are better at some things than others.
  • Set realistic goals. This means not setting goals too high or too low, but at a level you know you can reach. Then, you can always strive to do better than your goal.
  • Give yourself credit when you reach a goal and praise yourself when you have done well.
  • Learn to be assertive – express your thoughts, opinions, needs, and feelings openly – but without abusing others’ rights.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others - remember, you’re just fine the way you are!
  • Practice positive body language. Walk tall, don’t slump. When your body says “I can” everyone will believe you can.

How well do you know yourself? Are you self-confident? Create your own story by exploring your confidence, attitudes, outlook.

How you feel about yourself can help you through tough times when other kids aren't so nice. To learn more about teasing, bullying and the connection to feeling good about yourself, visit Stop Bullying Now!

Content last updated June 11, 2008

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
