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Sources: Obama ready to end harsh interrogations
WASHINGTON -- President-elect Barack Obama is preparing to prohibit the use of waterboarding and harsh interrogation techniques by ordering the CIA to follow military rules for questioning prisoners, according to two U.S. officials familiar with drafts of the plans. Still under debate is whether to include a loophole that would allow exceptions in extraordinary cases. (Updated 5:30 p.m. PT)

Obama: 'Dramatic action' needed now to fix economy
BEDFORD HEIGHTS, Ohio -- President-elect Barack Obama made a pitch for his massive economic stimulus plan at a Midwestern factory that manufactures wind turbine parts, saying Friday his proposal would make smart investments in the country's future and create solid jobs in up-and-coming industries. (Updated 5:30 p.m. PT)

Obama praises US Airways pilot during phone call
WASHINGTON -- President-elect Barack Obama is joining those heaping praise on the pilot of US Airways Flight 1549, the craft that landed in New York City's Hudson River yet didn't lose a single passenger. (Updated 5:09 p.m. PT)

Inauguration security center to go live Saturday
WASHINGTON -- Five 8-foot-square monitors and four flat-panel televisions hang on beige walls in the windowless room. A few flicker with images from news programs and street maps of downtown Washington. (Updated 4:51 p.m. PT)

Painless move: It's easier when you're president
WASHINGTON -- If only all home moves could be as quick and easy as at the White House. (Updated 4:38 p.m. PT)

Interior issues offshore drilling plan
WASHINGTON -- The Interior Department on Friday issued a detailed proposal for widespread oil and gas drilling off both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts in areas that have not had energy exploration for decades. (Updated 4:33 p.m. PT)

No decision on whether Obama will keep BlackBerry
WASHINGTON -- Barack Obama desperately wants to keep his ever-present BlackBerry and become the first sitting president to use e-mail. (Updated 4:31 p.m. PT)

Stimulus plan repeals big tax break for banks
WASHINGTON -- House Democrats' version of the $825 billion recession rescue package would end billions of dollars in tax breaks the Bush administration quietly gave to banks last fall. (Updated 3:54 p.m. PT)

Intel director: Iran, cyber threats biggest worry
WASHINGTON -- Iran producing a nuclear weapon and a cyber attack on critical government or private computer networks top the list of concerns nagging at National Intelligence Director Michael McConnell as he prepares to leave office. (Updated 3:52 p.m. PT)

Resolution honors pilot, crash responders
WASHINGTON -- U.S. senators paid tribute Friday to the US Airways pilot who guided a hobbled jetliner safely into the Hudson River and then helped safely evacuate the passengers. (Updated 3:33 p.m. PT)

Additional headlines:
- Report: Over 8 in 10 corporations have tax havens
- Slow roll events added to Obama whistle stop tour
- Dean ending 30-year political career
- Obama determined to have inauguration outside
- Bush press secretary holds final WH briefing
- Correction: Inauguration Homeless story
- Witnesses praise Holder despite past disagreements
- US, Israel sign deal to boost Gaza truce effort
- Poll finds high hopes for Obama, economic plans
- Obama releases details of Jan. 21 open house
- Court will review school strip search for drugs
- Pentagon: Seabees shifting from Iraq to Afghan war
- US slaps sanctions on son of Osama bin Laden
- Summary of actions Friday by the Supreme Court
- Obama aide Axelrod leaves Chicago firm
- Senate swears in Biden replacement Kaufman
- Interrogation methods banned by the military
- Obama's rail car embodies 'grandeur of 1930s'
- Source: Obama to name Sunstein his regulatory czar
- Rice departs predicting a world free from tyranny
- Court will review school strip search for drugs
- Inaugural ball will be broadcast live to troops
- Court to review power to probe national banks
- Obama: 'Dramatic action' needed now to fix economy
- Feds: Cape wind farm OK for environment
- High court takes special ed case
- White House moves not always smooth
- Figures about President Bush's records
- Bush salutes Hudson River pilot who landed plane
- Aloha spirit welcomes Obama to presidency
- Bush claims economy on track to recovery
- GOP senator gives key support to Obama's AG pick
- Obama's AG pick praised by ex-Bush adviser
- SPIN METER: Bush puts his record in best light
- THE EDGE: Speech advice for Obama
- Method for AP-GfK poll on Obama
- In farewell speech, Bush says he kept nation safe
- An inaugural front page: FDR takes firm command
- Eleanor Roosevelt and the weight of her world
- INSIDE WASHINGTON: Appointees find US gov't jobs
- Kaufman ready to take Biden's Senate seat
- Pentagon: Iraq withdrawal has 16-month time frame
- Congress OKs release of final $350B of bailout
- Delayed hearing means more criticism for Geithner
- Obama moves into Blair House
- Pilot reported double bird strike after takeoff
- Text of Bush's farewell address Thursday
- Well-wishers warned to use care along train route
- House Democrats propose $825 billion stimulus bill
- Bush praises Hudson River plane crew
- CIA director: Harsh interrogations were effective
- Burris sworn in as Obama successor
- The Long Goodbyes: Biden, Clinton bid farewell
- Judge won't order Obama not to use 'God' in oath
- Hayden: al-Qaida boxed in, Iran near nuke decision
- Bush address includes laundry list of back patting
- A Senate in flux backs Obama, barely
- Federal judge refuses to stop visa changes
- Beyonce to sing for Obamas' first inaugural dance
- Federal court hits Bush White House over e-mail
- Off the plank! Pirates would walk into court
- Children's health debate moves to Senate
- US inks nuclear cooperation deal with Gulf ally
- E.A. Poe stamp on sale Friday
- Inauguration security to be highest ever
- Senate resolution on further bailout spending
- Bathroom Break: Will inauguration have enough?
- Senate approves wilderness expansion in 9 states
- VP-elect's son back from Iraq to see inauguration
- Court ruling endorses Bush surveillance policy
- Senate approves release of unspent bailout funds
- Birds hit jets in at least 6 cases in 2008
- Bush will get pension of almost $200,000
- House Democrats move to overturn Bush species rule
- FBI: No indication plane crash was terrorism
- Senate panel backs Clinton as secretary of state
- Senate moves toward vote on pay equity bill
- Holder: We were at war years before we knew it
- Got questions? Here's the Inauguration Day 411
- Where do the homeless go during inaugural?
- Homeland Security pick pledges agency improvements
- Senator to push energy issues as Interior chief
- Jack Johnson, Sheryl Crow headline inaugural balls
- Government to pay in case of vet who took own life
- A look at key provisions in Senate lands bill
- Presidents and poison kisses: an inaugural story
- Holder defends Clinton's pardons for FALN members
- Homeland nominee to review controversial ID plan
- Waxman promises quick action on climate
- Senate panel backs Clinton as secretary of state
- Napolitano defends state homeland security efforts
- Board cites poor weather in helicopter crashes
- Analysis: Obama manages bump over Treasury choice
- Holder pledges to review case against Schlozman
- Nominee to UN post calls it imperfect institution
- Bush highlights foreign policy record
- Highlights of $825 billion economic stimulus plan
- Holder says Guantanamo will close
- Waxman promises quick action on climate
- Holder promises to investigate market fraud
- Weather Service offers tips on keeping warm
- Holder says he learned from Marc Rich pardon
- Republicans want their say on Holder nomination
- Holder: Waterboarding is torture
- Nominee for attorney general pledges independence
- Homeland Security nominee pledges improvements
- GOP ally introduces Holder at confirmation hearing
- Dems unveil $825 billion stimulus measure
- Obama awaits vote in Senate for $350B bailout
- More Republicans sign up for bipartisan dinners
- Hill says NKorea nuclear talks have made progress
- Speech! Speech! Slate's invite produces too many
- White House: Audiotape shows bin Laden is isolated
- Obama makes pitch for ideas, e-mail addresses
- GOP's Graham cites worldwide good will for Obama
- Obama: Geithner 'embarrassment' no bar for Cabinet
- House votes health insurance for 4M more children
- Ex-State Dept. worker admits to passport prying
- Obama inaugural committee reaches money goal
- Illinois man selling Obama's old Chrysler 300C
- Obama, Biden pay visit to Supreme Court
- Senator settles BCS bet by singing 'Rocket Man'
- Atheists want God stricken from inaugural oath
- Critics decry land bill's Alaska 'Road to Nowhere'
- Reid supports mob museum, but not in stimulus bill
- News organizations seek access to Guantanamo docs
- Shinseki promises to modernize VA
- AP IMPACT: Suicide spotlights troops' mental care
- White House answers judge's finding of US torture
- Major provisions of House child health care bill
- IRS expands free online filing program
- Analysis: Stakes high in bailout vote for Obama
- Arquette, Groban to 'skip lunch' on King holiday
- House Roll Call: Children's health insurance
- Bush official urges China to lift nuclear secrecy
- Senate gives warm welcome to Obama Cabinet picks
- Inaugural moments seemed pedestrian at the time
- US judge orders release of young Gitmo detainee
- Congress intros voucher plan for gas guzzlers
- Cheney: Obama should adopt Bush terrorism policies
- Questions and answers in Geithner's tax problems
- Agriculture Dept. nominee to push food for poor
- Homeland security pick didn't complete state plan
- Obama EPA to investigate coal ash sites
- Frank: Obama would spend big to cut foreclosures
- Inaugural eve concert to honor military families
- Nominees sunk by tax and nanny problems for years
- Inaugural organizers plan for disabled people
- Disabilities become big challenge for inauguration
- Court says evidence is valid despite police error
- Bush plans last trip to Camp David
- Veterans exposed to incorrect drug doses
- Stimulus includes help for doctors
- Judge hits White House with preservation order
- Obama heading to Ohio to promote stimulus
- Bush is grayer, but much the same guy
- Bill to regulate coal ash ponds introduced
- Senator seeks prosecutor vs. ex-Justice official
- FACT CHECK: Claims of bailout profits premature
- Obama EPA will investigate coal ash sites
- No credible terror threats seen for Super Bowl
- Ex-State Dept. worker admits to passport prying
- AP Poll: Americans prefer a mutt for Obamas
- Geithner tax and housekeeper problems jolt Obama
- Biographical information on Michelle Obama
- Next first lady no 'plastic talking head'
- No credible terror threats seen for Super Bowl
- Court affirms judges' discretion in sentencing
- A schedule of events for Obama's inauguration
- INSIDE WASHINGTON: Holder may reverse Bush secrecy
- Obama breaks bread with conservative writers
- Pelosi: Remaining $350b will be better spent
- Kerry predicts positive committee vote for Clinton
- Clinton urged to reveal more on husband's donors
- Bush says he likely lost money in meltdown, too
- Geithner failed to pay self-employment taxes
- Senate passes bill banning inaugural tix scalping
- Airplane ban stripped from bailout bill
- FBI shares threat-tips with local police agencies
- Report: Kids are restrained, secluded
- Clinton asked for more details on husband's donors
- Obamas choose interior designer for White House
- Intel committee to reflect new Democratic majority
- Democrats seek criminal probe of Bush 'abuses'
- Pentagon: Gitmo detainees returning to battlefield
- Bush makes more money available for Inauguration
- House votes to continue impeachment investigation
- Inaugural parade route expected to fill up quickly
- Pace offers regret for Iraq War mistakes
- Highlights of new bailout proposals
- Chu warmly received at Senate confirmation hearing
- New twist for Pickens in energy independence fight
- Clinton faces questions about husband's donors
- Bush, Obama teams hold disaster drill
- Budget nominee: Deficits to be bruising for decade
- Senate hearing Tuesday spotlights school reform
- Bush gives longtime allies US' top civilian honor
- Judge: Copy of disputed documents goes to Obama
- IRS guidance on 'What Ifs' of a recession
- IRS guidance on 'What Ifs' of a recession
- Even in hard times, don't ignore the IRS
- Even in hard times, don't ignore the IRS
- New audit of Iraq's rebuilding has a familiar ring
- Supreme Court reviews speedy trial issue
- Court hears arguments over detainee's confession
- Poems for the inauguration of Barack Obama
- Odes to Obama: A poem or 2 for the new president
- Never a teacher, but Duncan's life work is kids
- Senate Democrats expect to seat Burris
- US, Mexico pledge cooperation on drugs
- Budget nominee: Deficits to be bruising for decade
- State Dept: Israeli PM flat wrong on Rice
- For inaugural balls, go for glitz, forget economy
- Bush says he leaves with 'good, solid record'
- Dem official: Genachowski top choice for FCC head
- Court limits use of law aimed at career criminals
- 6 nations accused of fishing violations
- AP: Clinton acted on concerns of husband's donors
- Obama picks potential deputy health secretary
- Court to hear arguments over detainee's confession
- Analysis: An unusual glimpse into the presidency
- Congress gets its own YouTube sites
- Bush advice for Obama: Do what you think is right
- Bush to give farewell address Thursday night
- Advisers: Obama preparing order to close Gitmo
- DoJ mediators to assess BART shooting in Calif.
- Obama prepares to issue order to close Gitmo
- Mullen says might isn't always right
- DEA denies professor's marijuana-for-research bid
- Obama and Mexican President meet in Washington
- Rite Aid pays $5 million in fines in drug case
- Arne Duncan biography
- Chicago schools under Duncan
- Last $350b of finance bailout will wait 15-days
- Bush defends presidency in final news conference
- More families seeking home heat aid
- Foreign leaders not invited to Obama inauguration
- US reaffirms Iran opposition group as terrorists
- Tuesday hearings on Obama selections
- FACT CHECK: In final word, Bush gilds his record
- Report: US Marshals misused as sports escorts
- THE INFLUENCE GAME: Inaugural is lobbying schmooze
- Gold mine wants court to OK dumping waste in lake
- Advisers say Obama preparing to close Gitmo
- Officials turn down Franken request in Minn. race
- US sanctions those tied to Pakistani scientist
- Recalls
- Bush lists his mistakes, disappointments in office
- Bush's jokes during last news conference
- State Dept: US to evacuate 150 from Gaza
- Bush backs Israel, says Iran dangerous
- Gold mine wants court to OK dumping waste in lake
- FBI reports crime fell in early 2008
- Bush says nation's 'moral standing' intact
- Bush defends economic policies
- Bush defends administration response to Katrina
- Bush says attack on homeland still major threat
- Bush hopes for better treatment for Obama
- Bush ponders how democracy will survive in Iraq
- Bush cites disappointments, mistakes, in office
- Bush warns that Obama will face disappointments
- Bush: Amid criticism, Obama must do what's right
- Bush renews call for 'two-state' Mideast solution
- Bush bids farewell and thanks to press
- Top Army recruiter weighs fat camp for recruits
- Analysis: Mideast diplomacy looms for Obama
- INSIDE WASHINGTON: Army defends spy case
- GOP officials: Sen. Voinovich of Ohio to retire
- MTV to broadcast Obama's 'Youth Inaugural Ball'
- Obama: More oversight, openness needed in bailout
- Minister chosen for inaugural prayer service
- Obama's inauguration gets a test run at Capitol
- Cheney: VP needs to find out what president wants
- Analysis: GOP urging restraint in stimulus debate
- Bush reportedly rejected Israeli plea to raid Iran
- Reply-all e-mail storm hits State Department
- Obama family visits Lincoln Memorial
- Obama takes a break for some chili and sausage
- Bush, issue by issue
- Bush takes last scheduled Air Force One flight
- Obama's first foreign trip as president: Canada
- Senators say no witch hunt aimed at spy agencies
- Feinstein grabs spotlight, committee reins
- Obama to honor McCain on inauguration eve
- Pentagon: Purple Heart won't be awarded for PTSD
- Analysis: Bush legacy _ grim times, gloomy nation
- US offers Georgia road map for deeper ties
- Biographical info on Sen. Dianne Feinstein
- CDC director is out, government e-mail says
- Bush regrets immigration reforms weren't approved
- Durbin: No Burris Senate seat without signature
- VP-elect Biden holds talks with Pakistani leaders
- Voting rights law under high court review
- Inaugural committee promotes service for MLK Day


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