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 Friday, January 16, 2009 www.qu.org 

Quail Unlimited® is a non-profit conservation organization dedicated to the wise use and management of America's wild quail, doves, upland game birds and other forms of wildlife.

"Thank You for Your Support in Funding the NBCI"

Dear Rocky:

On behalf of the Southeast Quail Study Group, I wish to thank you and your organization for partnering with the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agency (SEAFWA) Directors to fund the Northern Bobwhite Conservation Initiative (NBCI) Coordinator position for the next 3 years.

This is a huge step forward in bobwhite conservation and serves as an excellent example of how conservation for bobwhites will have to be accomplished, now and in the future.

The Southeast Quail Study Group has had many successes during its short tenure together. The group and its partners have raised bobwhites to the next level in the conservation arena, but there is still a tremendous amount of work that needs to be accomplished on behalf of the bobwhite. With the continued commitment and support of the SEAFWA Directors and strong partners, such as Quail Unlimited, I am confident that we can be successful in making the future brighter for bobwhites across their range.

Again, thank you for your support in funding the NBCI Coordinator position and we look forward to working on projects and initiatives in the future!


Stephen J. DeMaso, Chair
Southeast Quail Study Group

Message of Habitat is "Catching on Like the Flu"

I thought I would drop a quick note to you guys and just mention that everyone's hard work in the arena of quail habitat management is definately "catching on" and growing with leaps and bounds, as we have talked about previously, Bill W., it can be seen in the recent issue of QU magazine. I was just looking over the magazine that came today to my office and while eating my lunch, I read through it.

Edgefeathering, "chop and drop", CP-33, buffers, field borders, ect., are mentioned in many different articles, news clips, chapter activities, habitat hints, ect., on pages; 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 28, 29, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, and I am sure more. That is definitely impressive and definitely spreading the message of habitat!!! Anyway, I just thought I would point that out that it is catching on like the flu!

Note to Jef Hodges: let QU National know that I believe this is the best QU edition with habitat articles, ect., that I have ever seen in all the years I have been getting the magazine, and very well done! Lance Hedges has an excellent article as well as Aaron Jeffries. Talk to you all soon and have a good weekend.

Nick Prough
Missouri Department of Conservation

Keep Up the Good Work, You Have My Support


I'll pay the $25.00, not the discounted $20.00, however, I'll take the Field & Stream magazine. I've discontinued my membership in Pheasants Forever and am very displeased with their new direction. Isn't it interesting how greed can consume even organizations such as PF. Keep up the good work, you have my support.

Carl Beers

Neosho Valley Chapter Praised for Efforts


I wanted to provide you with an update of some outstanding and much appreciated work of the Neosho Valley Chapter of QU in Morris County, Kansas. As a public land manager for the KS Dept. of Wildlife & Parks, I have partnered with this group since moving to Morris County over 3 years ago. They are a large and active group for a rural county and have always assisted with outreach and habitat efforts in the county.

Last Saturday they provided assistance (for the 3rd year in a row!)with a youth wing-shooting and gun safety clinic at Council Grove lake. They always step to the plate to help out and last Saturday was no exception.

They agreed to provide meals to 41 participating youngsters and their parents and other volunteers. They helped with organizing and advertising the event, assisted with set up and tear down activities, provided meals, and assisted instructors during the event. They played a huge part in making this annual event a success and should be commended for their efforts. These kids had a great time and I do sincerely believe that events such as this do make a difference in the future of our sport. In addition to annual support of this event they have also supported annual spring turkey hunts for disabled and women hunters in the Council Grove area, supported area hunter education classes, and have assisted with management activities on two public wildlife areas involving grass plantings, and tree removal. These guys have always helped and their work is sincerely appreciated!

Brent Konen
Public Land Manager
KS Dept. of Wildlife and Parks

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