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Guebert -- Pay-go pledge doesn't seem so smart now
On Jan. 8, 2008, an investment banker at Goldman Sachs predicted crude oil prices would top $200 a barrel by summer, then slip lower but remain well above $100 through 2011. What looked smart then looks ridiculous now. Today, crude prices are far closer ...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Letter -- Time to stop kicking environmental can down the road
It is time to stop kicking the environmental can down the road without measured agricultural and environmental performance. Farm operations in three northeast Iowa watersheds have individually organized and used science-based computer modeling to measure ...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Commentary -- Taking a look at land values in 14 counties
By Dave Bau WORTHINGTON Minn. -- At the end of each year for the last 15 years a survey has conducted for farm land sales in 14 southwestern Minnesota counties. The survey reports bare farmland sales to non-related parties for the first six months each ye...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Editorial -- Those in farm organizations deserve thanks
One doesn't have to support every policy position staked out by the commodity and livestock organizations in Iowa and Minnesota to realize what a huge contribution their members make to the future of family farming. Pork, beef and lamb organizations, comm...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Friesen -- Sometimes, life can get out of order
By Myron Friesen During my ag teaching days, parliamentary procedure was one of my favorite activities to teach. I thought it important that young people learn how to run meeting efficiently using proper procedures. Among the abilities that students were...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Wilmes -- Addictions of all kinds are hard to break
The smell of anhydrous ammonia -- not unlike the aroma when cleaning the chicken coop after a long winter -- stung my nose. The smell at the end of our driveway hadn't been there when we left to watch the high school basketball game. The fertilizer plant at...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

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