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Shell RSS feeds subscription

On this page an overview of the Group RSS feeds currently in use plus instructions on how to subscribe.

Follow the simple steps below to subscribe to the Shell Group Media and Investor Relations news RSS feed or the Shell Group Speeches RSS feed:

  1. Copy the URL below.
  2. Paste the URL into your reader/application.

Shell Group Media and Investor Relations news RSS feed

All press releases as published on the Shell Media Centre and the Shell Investor Centre.

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Shell Group Speeches RSS feed

All speeches published on the Shell Media Centre.

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Shell World Online RSS feed

All articles published on Shell World Online

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More information about RSS

What is RSS

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a simple and automatic way to keep up to date with changes to websites. Rather than visiting your favourite websites to see if new content has been published, you can use RSS to alert you every time there is something new.

How can I access RSS?

To receive and view feeds, you need some form of feed reader that can display the feed into a readable form. There are two general types of feed readers: Web-based and those that you download to install on your computer. There are a range of different News Readers available and new versions are appearing all the time. A small selection of available readers is displayed below for your convenience (links open in a new window), please visit Google- opens in new window for more readers.

News Readers


Mac OS XWebBrowser
News CrawlerNewsfireBloglinesMozilla Firefox
Feed DemonNetNewsWireMyYahoo!

This list is provided for your convenience and is not intended to advocate or verify the quality of any particular product.