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Innovation at Shell

Technology’s at the heart of everything we do. This requires a large and sophisticated research and development programme. Having lots of smart people with smart ideas is important too. And we do, both in-house, through our contractors, and via partnerships.

Lubricants Laboratories, Singapore, 2008

In this section



News, publications & webcasts

World map in clouds

A collection of technology & innovation related news items, publications and webcasts.

Global Solutions

Shell Global Solutions is one of Shell's technology focussed organisations. It provides cutting-edge consultancy, R&D and technology services to petrochemical and processing industries.

Shell people

Shell employs 104,000 people in over 110 countries and territories worldwide.

EP Technology

Global magazine highlighting Shell technology and projects.

Bright ideas

Shell turns bright ideas into important new technologies all the time.

Shell World Online

The magazine that offers fresh insights into people, energy and the environment.