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Entertainment Columns & Blogs

Strong reputation precedes new symphony leader

January 16, 2009

We've all heard about the importance of first impressions. In the case of James W. Palermo, the Colorado Symphony's new president/CEO, my first impression came a day before I met the man.

MEITUS: On anniversary gift lists, 28th should be 'no fuss'

January 9, 2009

No one in his or her right mind gets married in January, so that's probably why my wedding anniversary is tomorrow.

SHULGOLD: When music takes the offbeat path

January 9, 2009

Trying the untried, Boulder composer David Harris and Colorado Symphony associate conductor Scott O'Neil will present fresh musical ideas in separate shows Sunday.

Tales of love at first listen

January 2, 2009

Readers share their thoughts on works that sparked their love of classical music, and the most popular choice is a surprising one.

CAMERON: A boy's guide to acing the breath test

December 26, 2008

When I was in sixth grade, I noticed something wonderful - something I'd never seen before: girls.

WINTER: Home remodeler a man of recycled steel

December 26, 2008

Andrew McMullin is passionate about sleeping outdoors. His bed is on tracks so it can be easily moved outside his home made of recycled steel shipping containers.

ASK!: What's so special about frankincense?

December 23, 2008

A reader wants to know about the gifts of the Three Wise Men.

ASK!: Bright answer for limelight query

December 21, 2008

The expression "to be in the limelight," or famous, came from the 19th century, when lime was heated to produce a bright spotlight for the stage.

SHULGOLD: New recording of old favorite brings back good memories

December 19, 2008

A flood of memories was released when I recently received a CD box set from Sony Classical. I found myself traveling back to college, when I rediscovered the joys of classical music.

ASK!: What makes you so gentle, reader?

December 15, 2008

Jules is curious why the columnist Miss Manners refers to the person asking the question as "Gentle Reader."

SHULGOLD: The gift of music

December 12, 2008

Most music-related gifts come in simple, easy-to-wrap shapes - unless you're giving a French horn. They also last longer than a fruit cake. Here are some suggestions.

BROWN: It's even tough for rock stars

December 12, 2008

January and February are usually slow concert months, but there's always a blockbuster or a few good smaller shows rushing in to fill the void. Not this year.

ASK!: Crossed purposes

December 10, 2008

The practice of crossing your fingers originated in pre-Christian times, when a cross was a sign of unity and benign spirits.

Class of Sugarplums creates quite a vision

December 10, 2008

About 600 people raised $60,000 for the Colorado Ballet during the 18th annual Sugarplum Ball and Nutcracker Presentation.

ASK!: Old ballots kept for 25 months

December 9, 2008

Andy asks what happens to ballots after the election.

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